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Police sirens are all one hears while one stays in bed..Wondering...Suddenly a bang hits on the door. Whomever is inside, gets frighted and slowly steps to the door but then hears glass break. The person hears groaning. 

???: *thinking* What the...

*the footsteps come closer and closer*

???: *pulls out knife from pocket then has a match box with matches in hand*

The person lights the match and it shines. The burning match reveals that the one that shattered the glass of the window, groaning and non other than....A ZOMBIE! The person grabs the knife then stabs the zombie in the chest....It did not put the zombie out...The person quickly pulled out the knife from the zombie's chest and stabs the zombies head. The zombie falls down, not moving at all...

???: So they finally found me. Not to mention a zombie. Others must be affected. No matter, I will kill anyone in my past....Let me set out...

The person goes to their bedroom and with the match burning, sees the clothes then puts them on. They put on a black vest with black ripped jeans and black leather boots. He or She puts on a black holster then puts a gun and the knife they used to kill the zombie for good in the holster and grabs the katana in the room and puts it in its sheaf. 

???: I hate this place anyways. 

The person grabs a rope that is 50 inches long and ties it to a nail in the wall then leaves the rope their and gets gasoline then poors it all over. They grab the match that is still burning and drops it. In about five minutes the house gets engulfed in flames. The person grabs the rope and throws the length waiting out the window then grabs onto it and jumps out the window and lands safely. He/she sees the streets controlled by zombies. They quickly pull out the katana, which is their family heirloom, but not from its sheaf. Not yet at least. 

???: Doesn't matter....I will slay these zombies just like I slayed others at the academy. Heh. Last time I slayed a zombie, was at my house....The chest don't work so I will have to aim for head. Now that I have dear Serenity, Priscilla, and Sin...I am sure I can defeat these zombies on my own...

The light of the sun casts upon the person. The person appeared to be a girl. A girl with medium to long silver hair.  She had sapphire eyes. Although this is peculiar, the girl had a seventeen tattoo on her right shoulder. 

???: great it's sunny outside. Whatever. I have more important things. If I can get through deadmanswaiste then I can as well get through these.

Without pulling her katana from the sheaf she starts hitting the zombies on the head very hard that it is enough to kill them. A zombie appears behind her and almost bites the girl but then she heard a bullet. Without hesitation, she quickly moved away and turns around to find a zombie dead behind her. She looks up to where the bullet came from and sees a girl in a tree. The girl appeared to have two pistols and a sword on her back. The girl had dark brown Dutch brains with a white bandana and emerald green eyes. She is wearing a white tank top with a cross necklace as well with baggy camo pants and black boots. She also had a mark on the left side of her stomach. It was a 15.

???: You are welcome. Also, I remenber you. You may not remember me but that does not matter. My name is Lyra. I remember you from the academy. Grim...You stained my memory with your fights. 

Grim: Oh I remember you. Nice fights. Those that suffered will not be missed. *smirks*

Lyra: Yeah. Enough with the talk. I have another comrade with me but she is busy in another area battling off the invasion. We better start moving.

Grim and Lyra start to be moving towards where Astrid said where her comrade is. They both see a girl with two guns battling zombies. So they decide to help her out. 

???: I got this Lyra. Take her and go on. I will meet you at this location.

The lady gives them a map and they set off to that location.

Me: Sorry this was not that long. (;-;) I tried. Hope you enjoyed!~

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