First day

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The bell rings and every student jumps up to leave the room .
The teacher tries to speak ,but it is too noisy.
“Class ,read page 21 and then answer the questions on page 22!”

A brown-haired girl approaches Mira.
“Hi you are the new girl ,right. You need help?”
Mira shows the girl her schedule.
“Yeah, my next period is gym”
“ I have gym too, just follow me,”the girl exclaimed.

Mira is really nervous. She had watch enough movies to know that bad things happen in gym; bodyshaming , clothes gotten stolen, fights.
She keeps telling herself ,”You got this,you have been through worse”.
The two of them enters the changing room.
“I am by the way Luna .”
Mira smiles and nods.
Mira wears her black black leggings and her gray hoodie.
While Luna is getting dressed Mira notices that she has a half moon tattooed on her feet. It is the sign of the werewolf pack in Walley,Mira knows that because her ex boyfriend is their Alpha's son.
But Mira isn’t sure ,if she hadn’t her power deactivated by her father, she could have tell just by her smell whether she is a werewolf or not. But normal people do not have powers, she remembers.

“So Mirabelle ,your name sounds foreign – “
“Yeah,could be. My father chooser the name"

Luna finishes dressing up, she wears her gray sport bra and black leggings.

The two of them enter the gym , the eyes of some girls are straightened to Luna and Mira.
Mira wonders if something might be wrong with her outfit.

"OK everybody stop talking and move your fat ass over here,"a male voice screamed.

The students approach the man.

"OK guys, today is a special day ,today is the day your pathetic lives get a meaning, today is the big game. And in addition to it, we won't have a regular gym period. We are going to play basketball."

Some girls sigh and some boys cheer.

"Shut up ! Stay serious and focused, this night will change your life fundamental." He screamed.

Luna and Mira exchange a glance.
Mira isn't sure if she should laugh or be scared.And she is sure Luna was thinking the same that moment.

"Coach we got a new member in the pack shouldn't -",a male voice exclaimed, approaching the coach.

The coach cut his words.

Mira stares surprised at the boy,now she sees that it is the same boy from before,Ben.

"Ah thank you, Ben...where is he," he asked, looking around.

"Here ," I exclaimed.

"She is a girl," he said , but it sounded more  like a question.

"Yeah coach, I guess she is."

"Well class this is ... " I cut off his words.

"Mirabelle Madsen,but Mira is OK."

"Well Mira, you play basketball?"

Mira's father Jackson loves basketball, and used to play with her when she was a little girl.

"Yeah," she responded

The coach turns  his face to a group of girls behind him.

"God bless you ,at least one girl who isn't afraid of a ball ."

"OK ... Ben and Luna you choose"

Mira gets chosed by Luna.
Lucky her,she thought.

"Ball for team Luna," the coach said throwing the ball to Luna.

Half an hour later ,the game is over ,Ben's team win, but  Ben's team was  made up by his basketball team members.So them winning isn't that surprising.

"OK team Ben get your asses in the shower! Team Luna tidy up!"

Some girls who played in Luna's team sigh and moan.

"Next time you try to play basketball and not soccer or whatever that was."
"Can't even find a name for it ...just ,horrible , horrifying terrible- now move your damn lazy asses out of my view."he whispered but loud enough for everyone to hear.
" I need time to cope this"he said.

Mira actually thinks the coach is very funny.

Ben approaches Mira.

"Nice try, "
Than he heads to the bathroom.
Mira is pretty sure her team would have won if these girls weren't that afriad of the ball.She still don't understand why someone can be afraid of a ball.
Anyway they have finished tidying up,but Mira doesn't go showering.She don't want the other girls especially Luna to see her tattoos.
Her father tattooed some mythical signs on her  back and strengthen its affect with a spell, which diactivates  her powers and makes it invisbile to everyone who meant to harm.

The following periods were very normal and ended very fast. At the parking lot I Mira says goodbye to Luna. And drives with her away.

She feels tired, she thought school would be easier .
All she could think of is getting in her room and then sleep.

As soon as she arrived, she fell asleep on her big and fresh-made-bed.For a moment she could rest,but then someone knocks at the door

"Come in ", she murmured,with her face on the pillow.
Her mom,Kali approaches her.

Kali do not look like the typical Mom in her blue skinny jeans,black boots and the hoodie which Mira gave her for her birthday.Kali has brown long hair,and chocolate brown eyes.
Kali runs with her hand through Mira's hair.
" You all right sweetie? "

My mom always knew when something bothered me, not just because of her high werewolf senses. She just could sense when her little Girl wasn't OK!

"Yeah I am OK, being human is just so ..." She cut my words.

"It was your choice Hun, you want me to take you off that school?"

"No I am fine,I am a Madsen and daughter to a Richardson's Werewolf. I got this."

She left, giving me a smile.

I was happy to be alone and just fell a sleep .

Hi guys, hope u enjoy reading. Please vote by clicking on the star at the bottom of your screen, it would mean so much to me.
Moreover, pls also comment.I would like to know your opinion about my story that far.
Is Luna a werewolf or just a girl with a half moon tattoo?
Me,who knows? And what are your opinion about Ben?
What do you think of Mira, what kind of creature is she?  And do you like Nick, Ben and Byrian's Bromance, I ship it . Anyway vote and comment.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2019 ⏰

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