Chapter 14

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I wake up early the next day with a smile on my face...Well that is until I tried to get out of bed to walk to the bathroom. I groan as I roll out of the bed and limp toward the bathroom. When i get into the bathroom I turn the shower own and take Taylor's shirt that I had put on after.....Ya you get the point.
I jump into the shower instantly relaxing when the warm water hits my sore muscles. After washing my hair with my watermelon shampoo I rinse it out an get out of the shower and dry myself off. After drying myself off I pull on a black lace bra and matching undies before grabbing one a Taylors clean white shirts and pulling it over my head. After brushing my hair and my teeth, I limp back out into my room. I smile when I see Taylor stretching beside the bed with his back toward me. I watched as his arms flexed as he stretched them up above his head.
"See something you like?" Taylor asks making me jump slightly.
"No." I say sincerely. I instantly regret it when I see hurt flash across his face, "but you didn't ask me if I saw something I loved." I finish and Taylors face instantly lights up as he walks over to me and wraps his arms around my waist. I smile and wrap my arms around his neck.
"I love you." I whisper and Taylor smiles as he leans down until his lips are almost touching mine.
"I love you more Astrid Harper."
The end......

Jk but I hope I got you.😂😝

"TAYLOR!!" Someone yells as the door swings open and Taylor pushes me behind him.
"What." Taylor growls
"Rouges." Danielle who had obviously ran up here breathed out. Taylor growls as he heads out the door.
"Astrid go with Danielle and make sure all the children and their mothers get into the safe house." he growls and I glare at his retreating back.
After making sure everyone was safe in the safe house, I headed out the front door to see a shit ton of rogues and I immediately knew we were outnumbered by around ten wolves. It wasn't by much but still there were a shit ton of rogues. I shift into my wolf and head into the fight. I had just taken down my fifth rogue when I was hit with an incredible pain. I don't know what the pain was from but it was enough to make the world around me go black.

~Taylors POV~
I shift back into wolf form staring at the retreating rogues. I frown confused as why they were retreating they had just attacked us. Whatever it was I let it go and headed for the save house. When I open it everyone filed out. I frown when I don't see Astrid anywhere.
"Taylor!" I hear someone yell and I look over to see Danielle, "Hurry! It's Astrid she's hurt."
"Where is she?" I yell
"She's in the pack hospital." she says and I sprint out the door and to the hospital.
"Where is she?" I growl at a nurse
"The doctor is checking to see if anything is wrong with her. I'm sorry alpha but I can't tell you what room she's in until the doctor is done."
"Where is she." I growl and her and she bows her head before answering.
"She's in room 129." she answers and I run down the hall watching the doors for the right numbers. When I reach the door I go to open it but it swings open before I can.
"Alpha." the pack doctor bows his head in respect, "I didn't find anything wrong with the Luna." he says and I let out a breath that I didn't know I had been holding, "But she's in a coma and I don't know why."
I give a frustrated sigh, "Can I see her?" I ask and he nods his head and let's me in. I walk into the room and what I see breaks my heart. My mate lay in the hospital bed covered in dry blood and dirt. Her blonde hair was in a tangled mess and she was as pail as a ghost. My wolf whimpers seeing our mate like this breaks our heart.
I sit in the chair beside the bed and wrap her cold hand in mine, "Please wake up." I whisper.
~time skip~
"Taylor you need to eat something and get some sleep." Danielle says and I growl at her. Its been six and a half days since my mate has been in a coma.
"She's right. Astrid wouldn't want you to starve yourself." Jasmine says and I slump in the chair knowing that they are both right.
"Fine, I'll eat something and get some sleep-"
"And take a shower." Danielle says and I growl at her.
"But I'm not leaving this room." I finish in a growl and both of them mutter under their breaths.
"Fine." they both say obviously giving up.
An hour later I'm laying on the couch that they have in the hospital room and watching my beautiful mate. I sigh and close my eyes and try to get some sleep.
~Another time skip~
Its been two months and I'm going insane without my mate by my side. Danielle and Jasmine have finally talked me into walking around the pack territory and checking on things before I head back to my mate. I walk into the pack house kitchen to see Jasmine and her mate, Danielle, Tracy, Parker, Andrew, Dawn, James and Bethany with her newly found mate, Ryan.
"I really hope she wakes up soon." I hear Jasmine say, "I can go into labor anytime now and I really want my best friend there."
I sigh. I just wish me was here with us and not where she is now.

~Astrids POV~
I don't know where I am. All I see is blackness.
"Astrid." I hear someone whisper
"Yes?" I ask quietly and suddenly I'm surrounded by a bright light. I blink a couple times until my vision clears. I look in front of me to see a beautiful lady with long silver hair that goes to her waist and bright blue eyes. I gasp at her beauty and she smiles at me.
"W-who are you?" I ask
"Who am i Astrid?" she asks with a smile
"Luna?" I ask and she nods and I bow my head to her respectfully, "Am I dead Luna?" I ask.
"Oh no honey you are far from dead." she says
"Why am I here than?" I ask
"You are a chosen one." she says and I gasp. its extremely rare to be a chosen one, "The reason you are here is because all of your powers came at once and it was to powerful which caused you to pass out and you haven't woken up since." she explains, "Your wolf is now ready to go back so I am sending you back to your mate and friends and family." before I can say anything, I feel like I'm being pulled back into the present.
I feel a hand in mine and I squeeze it.
"Astrid?" I hear and I open my eyes only to shut them again.
"Come on baby girl you can do it try again." I heard someone whisper and I instantly know its Taylor. I force my eyes open and I'm met with a pair of blue-greens. I smile as Taylor takes me in his arms burring his face in my neck.
"I thought I lost you." he cries into my neck.
"Taylor." I whisper and he looks at me, "I'm a chosen one."

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