Meaning Of The Modes

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Meaning of the Modes in Astrology

Cardinal (Aries/Cancer/Libra/Capricorn): The cardinal signs signify spirit, action, initiative, power, and strength. People with fewer than four planets in cardinal signs are not self-starters and will need someone to prod them on, while those with more than four will go on their way with little interference. Cardinal people are bossy and competitive and like to stay busy even into old age. The problem is that they don't know when to stop, they'd rather burn out than take it easy. They have enough energy to carve out their own destinies, here to create karma rather than be subject to it. Aries is personal or individual action, Cancer is family or group action, Libra is partnership action, and Capricorn is organized or business action. Aries and Libra are outwardly active while Cancer and Capricorn like to pull the strings.

Fixed (Taurus/Leo/Scorpio/Aquarius): The fixed signs signify matter, stability, fixity, and perseverance. People with fewer than four planets in fixed signs lack purpose or follow-through, while those with more than four are solid, determined, and unchanging. Fixed signs can make excellent executives and can be relied upon to get things done. Fixed signs believe that they were meant to achieve something since birth. Taurus is financial or material stability, Leo is spiritual stability, Scorpio is emotional stability, and Aquarius is mental stability and fixity. Taurus and Scorpio are determined in a quiet manner while Leo and Aquarius display their determination outwardly.

Mutable (Gemini/Virgo/Sagittarius/Pisces): The mutable signs signify versatility, adaptability, and communication. People with fewer than four planets in mutable signs are not very flexible or adaptable and have trouble seeing things from others point of view, while those with more than four are very changeable, restless, and unstable, but the best communicators. Mutable signs make excellent subordinates or employees, they were born to serve and follow. They also make great writers, newscasters, secretaries, or artists and other jobs with a need for communication skills. Mutable signs' way of life is to be prepared for whatever is coming and let it come. Gemini is mental versatility, Virgo is organizational versatility, Sagittarius is arrangement versatility, Pisces is emotional versatility. Gemini and Sagittarius are more vocal with their ideas and beliefs while Virgo and Pisces like to express themselves more quietly and through deeds and sacrifice

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