Just another one piece high school fanfic

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I looked in the mirror, butterflies were fluttering in my stomach as I stared at my own face, my side-swept white fringe was a strange contrast to the rest of my scarlet locks ending with ombre curls, it was a reminder of my devil fruit ability the fuyu fuyu no mi (winter winter fruit), My eyes were as blue as the ocean but turned ice blue when I used my powers and a singular scar ran down my left eye. People said it made them think of my father when they saw my scar and hair. Don’t worry Yuki everything will be fine, just don’t freak out and you won’t cause a blizzard like at your old school. I sighed and walked downstairs.


 Makino looked at me smiling. “Its your first day at your new school today Yuki” She commented cheerfully while eating a slice of toast.”can you please not try and cause any trouble though.” I raised my eyebrow at her questioningly.

“I don’t know what you are implying Makino-san”I answered a little too innocently. “Don’t pretend you don’t know who is going there as well…”

’Oh yeah, thats right. My freak cousin, Akane and Luffy are going to kazoku academy as well. Thats cool maybe Luffy has some cute fri- oh shit is that the time!’

”See ya Makino, thanks for the food but I’ve got to dash” I grabbed my circle scarf, which was navy blue and a contender to my proud collection of different scarves, I put it on over my uniform which consisted of a white button-up blouse (which i didn’t button up all the way), a plain blue tie with a checkered blue skirt, there was also a  Navy Blue blazer, cardigan, sweater or vest you could wear, but those were optional. I loosened my tie, grabbed my toast and ran out the door of the bar with my backpack.


I made it to the bus stop just in time, Akane was there. great just what i need, someone telling me off for being late

“Hi”I said meekly “Where have you been I’ve been waiting for 20 minutes!” the hot head said. “sorry i thought you weren’t here, I keep mistaking you for a man with that flat chest of yours and manly haircut”I teased “URUSAI BAKA,MY HAIR IS SHOULDER LENGTH ”she screeched at me as the bus door opened. Giggling we got on and found a seat. People usually thought we were related due to our similar colour hair. Of course we are, but we are only cousins, She does look like me a little, her eyes are reddish orange though compared to my blue eyes and she has a scar from her jawline up her cheek.

”so…” i turned to Akane “Do you think Luffy has any cute friends?” I asked “What does it matter?” Akane replied with a straight face “Maybe you could find a boyfriend” Akane’s face twitched slightly in disgust “how about no, any way we’re here” She changed the subject and stood up waiting for me to get my bag and get off the bus with her.

‘Wow…. I can’t believe it. we’re at the place Gol D Roger made his statement and made everyone look for his treasure’ I thought excitedly “OI YUKI, AKANE OVER HERE” greeted a loud childish voice.

“Luffy!” We said in unison and walked towards the short black haired boy wearing a straw hat. “Shishishishishi come and meet my friends” Luffy didn’t give us time to answer and practically dragged us over to a muscular green-haired boy and a slim orange-haired girl “ Hey guys this is Yuki and Akane” The orange haired girl introduced herself as Nami and the boy as Zoro. Zoro didn’t say anything but stared us “are you done staring at us yet?” Akane asked rudely he just snorted and looked away. Geez what’s his problem? “So where do we go exactly?”

“There will be a meeting in the auditorium” Nami answered

“cool! maybe they’ll have meat” drooled Luffy “They will give us our timetables and things like that” Nami kept explaining “lets go now so we can get good seats” “YOSH!”

He said running ahead. we all stood there in Luffy’s dust. We all ran after Luffy towards a large rounded building at the far corner of the school. “ Ow watch where you’re going genius you ran right into me!” I could hear Akane shouting

“I should watch it? How about you get your eyes checked Bitch” I heard a harsh voice answer back. “Eustass-ya stop insulting girls. You’re decreasing the intelligence of the whole school just by talking”

“why don’t you go talk to your fucking bear instead of butting in other people business”   

“I’m Sorry….”

“Shut up Bepo.”

“Pfft whatever I’m outta here. You better watch your back Bitch” I turned around to see a tall thin boy with fiery messy hair walking away. A boy wearing a furry hat was standing next to Akane. “Umm, Thanks for helping me out there”  She broke the silence “No problem” the mysterious boy said calmly walking away “WAIT! MY NAME’S AKANE! WHAT’S YOUR NAME?!” Akane yelled out to the boy but he didn’t answer. I looked dramatically at Akane, A tear rolled down her cheek “ He was…...the one….” Yuki? What are you doing? YUKI! “Hmm What?” I answered “what were you doing” Was I pairing the boy with Akane? haha like thats going to happen I thought walking into the large auditorium and took my seat in the middle of Zoro and Nami. Luffy was talking to a tall skeleton with an afro and a tophat. Nami must have noticed my expression “That’s Brook and yes it is a devil fruit, I wouldn’t talk to him unless you are ok with perverts”

“Oh…. well thanks for the advice? I think” our conversation was disturbed by a tall man with a long braided beard walked onto the stage with 3 other very tall men.

“Hello and welcome to another year at kazoku academy” the man paused for effect “for those who are new to the school my name is Mr Sengoku and beside me are Mr Aokiji, Mr Akainu and Mr Kizaru they ar--” I zoned out after that so Luffy has been attending this school for a year already and so has Zoro and Nami I am assuming. am I and Akane the only ones starting in this grade this year?’ “and without further adieu you will get your schedules from the tables out the front, see ya” Sengoku finished before running out of the way.

“hey Zoro. Why did he run…” I asked before every. single. person in the auditorium ran to the front to get their schedules. It was like the hunger games as everyone clumped together at the front, fighting and- oh look there is blood and a nurse great. “Oi Yuki, I got your thing for you” Luffy said as he stretched towards me with a piece of paper “thanks Luffy” I beamed at him in appreciation. First period. Commerce with Mr Crocodile I wonder who is in my class I said to myself as I walked out and went in a random direction Shit…. Am I lost?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2014 ⏰

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