The Final Vengeance

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    Jaxon looked around at his surroundings. The sharp jagged mountains seemed to go on forever without anything interrupting them but pools of lava and sudden spurts of smoke and steam. He had awoken on top of one of the more not on fire mountains, and was desperately trying to find some sign of a way out of this fiery prison. His mind raced as he tried to figure out what he should do. He knew he was in the realm of Lupus Ardens, but he didn't even want to fight him anymore. He had let go of his anger, and had turned his attention to restoring The Kingdom of Wolves, but know he was going to be forced to face Lupus after all he had done. Might as well get it over with. Jaxon thought to himself.

    He started down the mountain wondering if there was anyway he could convince Lupus to just let him leave and go home. He continued to think on his way down the mountain as he jumped down, using the sharp ledges as dangerous steps. After reaching the base of the mountain he found a small path made of slightly less burnt rock than what made up the landscape. After a moment of thought, he decided to follow it. While walking, he kept his weapons at the ready to make sure to ward of anything that may try to jump him.

    Jaxon felt as if he was being watched from the tops of the mountains. He felt them following him, and when he was almost passed his fourth mountain, they revealed themselves. Several men made completely of flames leaped from the tops of the mountains and landed around Jaxon. They pointed spears made of thin pieces of what looked like Jagged obsidian at him, and then stood there quietly. Jaxon stood silently, looking around at the curious beings who surrounded him.

    "So... Do you know where I can find Lupus?" Jaxon asked.

    "How dare you speak the master's name so lightly you murderous scum!" A flame man yelled, bringing his spear up to peirce Jaxon's heart.

    "Stop! We cannot kill him even if he is the scum of the humans world, the master wishes to see him." One flame man interjected, "Come man of embers, our master has requested your company."

    They flame men led him along the path to a large city made of stone huts. As he walked through the village, Jaxon couldn't help but notice the lifestyle of the fire people. They acted like normal people. The children played, the adults worked, and the place seemed to be the complete picture of a happy community. Jaxon stared in awe at the community's peace in such a hellish place. The flame men pushed him along as they were slightly fearful that he would find a way to burn down the village even though it was made of lava rocks.

    They brought him to a palace made of black stone that shone like glass. The pillars that held up the building were fifty feet tall, and were decorated with ancient scenes of battles fought by The Kingdom of Wolves. The wall were jet black, and once in the room, it felt like you weren't in a room, but a black void held up by giant pillars. At the end of the room, sat a throne made of charred bones and melted gold. The flame men escorted Jaxon to the center of the giant one room palace, and left him there.

    He walked towards the throne, his blades at the ready should he be attacked.

    "So I see you finally made it here. It took you a while." Said an unknown voice.

    Jaxon whipped around to see a 30 foot tall titan. He had jet black hair, tall boots, black Shoulder plates,black leather pants, and a scruffy beard that resembled stubble instead of a whole beard, He smelled of smoke, and wherever he stepped soon glowed with heat. His fiery eyes seemed to burn with the fires of hell, but his face made him seem slightly understanding. He looked down at Jaxon, making him feel like an ant in his presence.

     "So... Are you gonna do something? You've had like five years to plan this and you look a little dumbstruck." He said, putting his hands on his hips.

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