Drink The Darn Milk! (Levi x Reader One-shot)

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-Hey reader-chan, this is my first fanfic so please comment, vote, and tell me if you liked it... after all, I am simply one hell of an author.😉

Disclaimer: I do not own Attack on Titan, nor any characters or plot. This is merely a fan made story.

(WARNING: Language/ Manga references)

    Heavy rain drummed against the window as you spread your exhausted body across the wooden floor, sighing in pure bliss.
Hanji, Nanaba (actual AoT character, look it up noob), and Petra, (your roommates) rested peacefully in their bunks, also enjoying the calming silence of utter exhaustion.

This afternoon the Trost district was successfully retaken and the breach in wall rose was sealed. In return the entire Scouting regiment had tomorrow off and you planned on making the most of it... but for now all you wanted to do was sleep. But, unfortunately that hopeful dream was soon interrupted by Nanaba falling from her bunk onto a stack of pillows beside you, giggling insanely.

    You groaned, "Nanaba could you please shut the hell up." "But c'mon f/n, I have an idea to celebrate retaking Trost!" She said enthusiastically, rolling from the pile of pillows next to you. "Let's play Truth or Dare!"
You and a sleepy Petra exchanged a wary glance.
"Sure... but if you make me do anything unreasonably idiotic, I will gut you." you yawned, staring Nanaba straight in the eye.
She giggled, "Hanji, Petra. You in?"
"I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT FOR MY ENTIRE LIFE!" Hanji squealed like a lunatic, standing from the spot where she sat and hugging Nanaba tightly as if she said the greatest thing since 'TITANS!'
"What about you Petra?" You asked, squeezing next to Nanaba and Hanji in the pile. "S-sure." She giggled, slightly blushing in her potential upcoming embarrassment. Petra placed her pillow on the floor and sat next to you, Nanaba, and Hanji.

"Ok, who will go first?" You asked, shifting to get comfortable on the lumpy mound of pillows. "I will!" Hanji squealed. You nodded, biting your lip in worry. 'Don't choose me titan freak.' You internally pleaded.
"Nanaba. Truth or dare?" She asked. You sighed, 'Thank God.'
"Uh... Dare." She laughed boldly. Hanji smirked, "I dare you to walk into the mess hall and kiss the first person you see."
Nanaba blushed, "With tongue!" She added. "H-Hanji that's stupid, do you want me to die?!", "No it's not, and no I don't! My dare is  perfect, and you can't chicken out on me Nana!" Hanji urged using the rules against her. Nanaba sighed, "Fine, but you will pay for this Hanji..." She stood, and walked out the door into the silent hallway, discreetly making an inappropriate hand gesture before leaving.

    We waited... and waited, until finally she returned, her face redder than the colossal titan's ass.
"WHAT HAPPENED, WHO DID YOU KISS?!" Petra squeaked. Nanaba's blush deepened, "I-it was c-commander Erwin!" She whined, nearly in tears.
In that moment you laughed harder than you have in your entire life.
"ERWIN! How the heck did that happen?!" You gasped, desperately gulping for air from your psychopathic laughing fit.
"I walked in there and saw Erwin and Dot Pixis discussing food rations at the mess hall table, and my better judgement told me to kiss Erwin... a-and I did. IT WAS DISGUSTING HANJI! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO MEEEEE!? His frikin magnificent eyebrows touched my face and I had to stand on the damn table to reach the giant!" She whimpered, sitting back down into our comfy pillow mound, and stuffing her crimson face into her hands.
You patted her back in attempt to comfort her. "Well Nanaba, it's your turn sooooo, maybe revenge will be served?" you gestured towards Hanji who was still recovering from her cruel laughter.
Nanaba smirked, "I guess it's your turn then. Hanji, truth or dare?" She asked spitefully. "That's a no-brainer. Dare." Hanji said defiantly. Nanaba sniggered. "I dare you to... uh, to peanut butter and jelly Mikes face, then lick it all off." She ordered.
Hanji's demonic grin faded. "Why do you hate me so much? You know I like him..." She whispered stuffing her face in the mound of pillows to cover the intense blush the dusting her cheeks.
"C'mon Hanji, don't be a chicken!" Petra taunted. "This is stupid, even for me." Hanji muttered, standing and walking out of the small room to her certain, and embarrassing death.

While you waited for Hanji to return, you, Petra, and Nanaba returned to your bunks and began a random conversation. The lovely topic being: Why is Levi so damn short?

"Maybe he's a gremlin,"Nanaba suggested, staring up at the drab ceiling messing with her short, blonde hair, "He's short, vicious, kinda cute, but can turn on ya and snap your neck in an instant." Petra nodded in agreement, "Yeah that's true but, I would say he's more like a leprechaun. Maybe he has a hidden pot of gold somewhere, you never know." "He, he has black hair though." You noted. "True." They both agreed.
"I bet he never drank milk as a kid. My mom always Made me drink milk and I'm tall... ish." You suggested. "Levi hates milk!" Petra said, nodding her head. "Really, I wonder what would happen if you forced him to drink some." Nanaba sniggered "You just gave me a great idea, f/n." "Wha- what?" you were interrupted by Hanji bursting through the door red as a sunburnt Irishman.
She quickly slammed the wooden door and sat beside you. "How'd it go?" Nanaba asked. ""G-good," she said catching her breath, wiping a smudge of jelly from her chin, "H-he didn't even wake up! Like, how the hell could he not have ever flinched if some woman barged in his room at 12:43 pm, smeared peanut butter and jelly on his face, then licked it all off?!"
We all starred at each other then laughed uncontrollably for what seemed like an eternity. "Well anyway, (f/n), truth or dare?" She asked, still winded.
"Dare!" You said defiantly. "Ooo! Ooo! Hanji, I have an idea." Nanaba piped, shooting you a devilish grin. Your smile faded as Nanaba leaned in to tell her, her idea.
"Ha! That's a good one!" She laughed, agreeing with Nanaba's "fantastic" idea, "f/n! I dare you to use whatever means necessary to force Corporal Levi into taking a drink of milk!"
You groaned. "Nanaba... what the heck?! I will kill you."
She sniggered. "I can handle you," she taunted, "But I don't think you'll long enough." You gave her a death stare. "Tomorrow I will prove you wrong and get Levi to drink some damn milk!" You pulled your covers over your head and drifted into a dreamless sleep.

~Time Skip~

The endless chattering of the cadets echoed throughout the buzzing mess hall as the entire scouting regiment sat eating a relaxed breakfast of pancakes, bacon, and milk. 'Right... milk.' You thought, grabbing two glasses of ice cold milk instead of one. 'How the heck am I gonna get Levi to drink this!?' "Oi! f/n, over here!" Hanji whispered rather loudly, waving her hands in the air like a lunatic, motioning you to sit right next to the short man himself. 'Wonderful.' . You sighed, 'Here goes nothing.' You walked towards your so called friends and sat besides Levi.
Nanaba, Hanji, and Petra sat across the large room giggling to themselves and watching you with anticipation.
You sat in awkward silence, stabbing your flimsy pancake with your fork as Levi disdainfully scanned the room, sipping his steaming cup of tea. "Why the hell do you have two glasses of milk l/n?" Levi spat, breaking the silence. You blushed, desperately thinking up an excuse. "I-I uh, saw that you didn't have a glass s-so I brought you one." You managed, pushing the glass towards him. Your blush intensified dramatically.
Levi made his signature "tch" sound, returning to his previous position, not even acknowledging your attempt. "Damn it." You huffed under your breath. "Please, just drink the milk." You said staring him straight in the eyes. "Are you threatening me l/n?" He hissed. "N-no." You stammered, blushing even harder. "Then put this shitty glass of milk back where you found it!" "I can't do that sir." You mumbled. "Excuse me!" He fumed, clearly not amused by you answer. You glanced back at Hanji who was currently fangirling over her newest titan experiment with Armin, and boldly gripped the glass of milk and taking a large sip. You stood pulling Levi by his cravat, yanking him towards you and crashing your lips onto his. Forcing him to drink the darn milk. He stiffened, but eventually relaxed, leaning in to your surprise kiss.
Everyone in the mess hall froze, starring at you and Levi in complete shock. "That's one way to do it." Nanaba laughed.
You let go of him separating the both of you. He wrapped a gentle arm around your waist and pulled you closer, connecting your lips in another kiss. You blushed violently and pulled away, happy with your rash decision. "You could have just asked." He smirked.



-Thanks for reading my fanfic, I hope you enjoyed it. And once again this was my first so please vote, comment, and tell your friends.

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