Chapter 2 - Sports and Adventures.

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Annual sports competition day is always a day I find of little importance despite the school's incessant need to inform us of how beneficial it is to be 'representing your school'. It was an afternoon of athletic sports in which rosehill girls school competes against rosehill boys. I however, had successfully achieved in being allowed to simply spectate today's events. 

The blazing summer sun was glaring against my back as I sat amongst others that had achieved in getting out of the games. It was now an hour into the event and my bored mind wondered into various thoughts.

As Mr Tilbury shouted indicating the start of a new race, my attention was drawn towards it and I instantly noticed one of the boys in particular. It was Harry. Harry whose house I had randomly woke up in on Sunday morning after Saturday's party. He was wearing white sports shorts and a tight fitting sports top that clung to his skin and he had green running shoes on. His hair was pulled back by a sweatband, much different from the way I had seen it just four days ago when he was fresh from the shower. 

As he ran, his muscles flexed under his top and his face showed complete concentration unlike the arrogant expression I remember him having when I crossed paths with him last. People around me began to chant as the runners neared the finish line. I couldn't make out what name it was that they chanted but it certainly wasn't Harry's, But he was in the lead and as he crossed the finish line the faces and excitement of many of the other spectators dropped. My mind became curious as to why they had become so dissappointed at his victory.

With curiosity getting the better of me, I watched him further as he grabbed a bottle of water from the sidelines and gulped down half the bottle before wiping his forehead that had been glistening with sweat due to both the race and the stifling hot weather, that was so unusual for Britain. He paced away from the sideline and disappeared in the direction of the boys school.

A little under fifteen minutes later and after another few athletic events, I noticed Harry once again. However it appeared he had showered and got changed, his sports attire had been replaced by black jeans and a red checkered shirt, his trainers replaced by white converse. His damp hair was quickly drying under the sun. As I watched him take a seat on the boys spectator benches his gaze caught mine and I noticed his eyes narrow as if he was trying to confirm who I was. I broke the eye contact feeling awkward.

Barely two minutes passed before I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see Harry. My thoughts were consumed by embarassment at the fact he had previously caught me staring and was now stood directly infront of me trying to start a conversation.

"It's nice to see you again Ava" he spoke a little less smug than I had known him to be before but still borderlining cocky.

"Harry what are you doing you're not supposed to be over here" I asked cautious to his actions, due to the strict rule that the boys and girls should only mix on the sports field.

"Well it's a good job I'm not  gonna get caught" he remarked, standing up quickly gesturing for me to follow.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"C'mon just follow" he turned to walk away but I stayed stuck into the same spot unsure what to do. 

"It's pretty blindingly obvious to the fact we're just about to walk off" I stated.

"Look around Ava, is anyone really paying attention to us?" My eyes scanned the area realising that everyone was oblivious to us, they were too focussed on the events before us or spreading some childish gossip amongst their friends. When I turned to look back at Harry he was already walking away.

"Harry wait!" I exclaimed. He turned around smirking, slowing down for me to catch up.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"On an adventure" he shouted back at me as I still attempted to catch up to him.

"What do you mean an adventure?"

"It's a surprise" his voice dropped as I finally caught up to him and his hand clasped around my wrist guiding me along.

Thanks for reading so far and don't forget to comment and vote! If you enjoy the story please share it, I'd love to get more reads, thanks again! I'm sorry if the chapter is short.

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