Chapter Two

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-The Next Three Days-

Vic was sound asleep, hating the blaring spun of the alarm clock in his dream as it chased him through a cookie and cream ice cream patch. He has to restrain himself from eating it so he forced them little legs of his to run.

Eventually, he ran into a dark haired boy a little taller than he was. Big, beautiful blue eyes, skinny waist. Kellin?

"Vic!" He cried, running up to him and engulfing him in a hug.

"Kellin!" He shouted back stupidly.

"Where have you been?" He growled out, wrapping his arms around his neck. The older boys breath hitched in the back of his throat and he stopped breathing for a slight second. He shrugged, looking the other way. But the selfish taller boy grabbed the shorter ones chin and pushed it towards his face.

"Man, are you sexy..." He whispered before pressing his lips to his, enjoying the moment of them being against each other- of their bodies pressed together.

They both say there for a while until they had to stop to breathe. Both their eyes were closed and Kellin had his mouth opened slightly. Vic was breathing deeply but nothing else.

"Vic-" he said.


"I like-"

"VIC, GET YOUR LAZY ASS UP NOW!" Someone blared in his ear, making him wince and hit his forehead on the boards above Him.

"Shit." He cursed, rolling out of bed only to come face to face with none other than Kellin Quinn. "What are you doing in my face?"

He looked a bit taken back by the older ones choice of words but smiled, wrapping an arm around his waist. To say Victor wasn't feeling butterflies erupting in the pit of stomach would be a lie. He was, in fact. He didn't know why but he kind of liked it. Same with Kellin-He loved the feel of them. He never got them...

"Kell?" a voice broke the silence between the two.

"Yeah?" he asked the voice.

"I like you."

Suddenly, everything fell including Kellin. He didn't know why but he did. And once he did, tears began pouring out of his eyes.

"Was it something I said?" The Mexican boy asked frantically.

The raven haired boy shook his head, staring into his eyes. "I like you, too." He stated. "But... I've barely known you for three days and-but-I-I'm not crying because of that."

"Then why are you crying?" he asked.

He looked up at the worried tanned face and smiled, pressing his lips to his cheek softly and smiling.

"Because, I'm happier than I could ever be."

He leaned forward, fixing to kiss those soft, pink lips of his but before he could, darkness took over and he awoke in his bed, dry tear stains on his cheeks.

It was all a dream, Vic thought. All a stupid dream.


Vic and Kellin had the same schedule which meant they got to spend every day together. They lived together, hung out together, they're both surprised they don't shower together!

"Vic?" Kellin's soft voice said, almost breaking. Vic turned his head and smiled.


The taller one bit his lower lip causing the older one to lose control in his actions. Before he knew it, he was in Kells face, his breath tickling his lips.

"V-Vic. I-I just wanted-wanted..."

"Sh..." He stated, pushing a stray strand of ack hair behind his ear. He nodded, sighing in content as the Hispanic made his magick.

"You're beautiful, you know that?" Kellin grinned sheepishly and nodded.

"Of course."

Laughing, Vic stared into the younger ones eyes again and leaned in. The raven haired boy thought he was going to kiss him, but when the time came, he smirked and sucked on his neck before giving his upper thigh a tight squeeze.

"Fucking tease!" He yelled, grabbing ahold of the older one and shoving him on Kellin's bed getting on top of him as he sucked Vic's neck softly, nibbling on the soft spot when his neck met his chest.

"I'm the tease, aye?" he laughed, tangling his hands in his hair.

Kellin moaned, nodding. Vic began to get turned on because he could feel the slight bulge that was poking him in the leg. He sighed, looking at a moaning Vic.

"Hey, Vic?" He called out.


Fiddling with his fingers, he said, "Is this weird since we haven't even know. Each other for a week?"

He bit his lower lip and shook his head. "I say, if love happens, it happens."

And with that, both boys smiled and began sucking, kissing, and nibbling softly on the others necks until they both had light bruises on the crook of it.

People would be pissed if they found this, Vic thought.

People would call out fag everywhere, Kellin thought.

Both boys were deep in thought, they didn't even notice the horrified Jaimie and Justin In the doorway.

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