Forsaken In The Shadows - Chapter 2

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Chapter Two

As I sat next to my log, I looked at my watch again, seeing it was already 1:15 am. I had been waiting here for over an hour and my darkness, Gabrial, hadn’t shown up as I thought he would.  I looked at myself in the calm pool and wondered if I was always meant to be alone. I settled in to meditate for a bit, deciding I was being foolish waiting any longer.  As the calm took me over I heard rustling behind me and was about to turn around; but at that moment a vision took hold and I couldn’t stop it.

I was watching the vision happen from what seemed like the ceiling.  It was a bedroom I didn’t recognize, blood red drapes and matching blood red satin sheets. It was dark but I could see a couple making love on the bed.  The moon light shined down on them giving them both an ethereal silver glow.  I couldn’t see the female but just as I was admiring the male’s back, two things happened at once; the female spoke, saying, “Oh yes my darkness, please feed from me, let my blood fill you”, and the male lifted his head and I saw his canine’s grow into fangs.

I tried to scream for him to stop, but there was no noise.  As I moved closer I almost screamed again because the couple on the bed were Gabrial and I! I couldn’t believe I had asked for this. It was at this moment that I woke from my vision. Being released from my vision so abruptly was startling enough, and I knew I’d been standing when it struck; so waking to find myself held gently but firmly in Gabrial’s arms had me at a loss for words or what to do to get space between us.  But as I looked into his face and saw worry wrinkling his beautiful features I changed my mind about moving.

“Are you alright, you scared the hell out of me “, were the first words out of his mouth.  Thinking how best to keep my pagan blood hidden I replied, “Yes, I’m fine. I have vertigo, an inner ear problem that causes fainting and dizziness.  I just got up to quickly”, I smiled up at him hoping he would accept that and forget the episode.  But the look on his face told me I had a lot of BETTER explaining to do, because he wasn’t going to forget it that easy.

“Sadira, why do you feel the need to lie to me”, he questioned, and I knew I was in trouble, especially with my vision fresh in my mind.  How could I avoid telling him the truth, and get away from him as quick as possible.  I pushed away from him and stood on my own, trying to think fast as possible.  “Gabrial, why would you think I’d lie to you”, I answered hoping he’d move on to another topic.

“Sadira, I know we don’t know each other very well, but I would like to change that”, he stated looking directly into my eyes.  “The best way to remedy that is to take the leap of faith, and trust me enough to explain the truth of what just happened to you”, he finished, looking directly into my eyes, and deep into my soul.  “All right Gabrial, but if I trust you, you must promise never to share my secrets with another soul”, I stated, waiting for his response.

“Sadira, I give you my word, never will I share any of your secrets”, he finally answered.  So taking a deep breath, I took my leap.  I told Gabrial about being a pagan, and my very unique gifts.  I explained that when he arrived I started to have a vision.  I didn’t tell him what the vision was about, I could still see the scene of him and I wrapped in blood red satin on the unknown bed.  He listened intently to everything I had to say, when I was finished I grew silent and waited to see what kind of reaction he would have. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2012 ⏰

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