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"mads, do you want to come to westfields with me and marcus soon? he's meeting some of his friends there and we can go shopping" my best friend isabella shouted from across the flat.
"yeah sure, let me just get dressed then i'll be ready" i replied back.

just over an hour later i had showered and gotten dressed into some skinny jeans and t-shirt with a denim jacket and trainers - i was finally happy with my appearance.

"hi im chris" a young man smiled as he sat down next to me.
"maddie" i smiled back.
"pretty name, so why are you here?" he replied.
"oh im just here with my friend bella and her boyfriend, marcus, you"
"i came out looking for some new football boots with my friends but we decided to come in here for some food too."
as he spoke my phone buzzed, signalling i had a text. i looked at it to see it was from bella;

marcus and i are just going in topshop for a bit, we'll meet you after 😉

"oh cool" i spoke, reading the text.
"hey look, i have to go now because my friends are just over there but can i have your number so i can text you?" he asked, seeming nervous.
"yeah of course!" i nodded, as a huge smile broke out on his face.
i typed my number in his phone and he sent me a quick text to check it, and with that he waved and walked off.

"mads, who was that boy you were chatting with then??" bella laughed as we were driving home
"umm he was just a nice guy called chris you know" i said nervously, twiddling my thumbs.
"mads im joking, it's nice you're getting out there and he seems really sweet." she reassured me, humming to the music.
"i don't know, he seems really sweet but what if he's like luke? i don't know whether i could handle it again bells" i spoke quietly.
"you never know if you don't try m !!" she laughed.
"bells, i still don't know but I'll stick with it for you ok??"
she nodded, satisfied that she'd got me talking about chris.

just as we got home i got a text from chris:

i'd love to see you again, when are you next free? chris x

"oooh" bella said in my ear, making me jump slightly.

"bells you shouldn't be reading over my shoulder nosy" i spoke, trying not to let laughter take over my speech.

"BELLS GOT A DATE, BELLS GOT A DATE" she ran around the apartment screaming, probably earning complaints from the neighbours.

"leave me alone" i smirked, walking into my bedroom and slamming the door, faking a strop.

"when are you next free? m, xx" i texted back, small butterflies forming in my stomach.

sorry it took me so long to update i was revising (ish) but yeah i hate this so so much don't be surprised if i delete this soon haha!! but there's big drama coming up soon so be warned ahah, love you all loads n hUGE THANK YOU TO ANNA @wroetodixon for helping me loads ahaha ily

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