New Start

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*Minseok p.v*
It was the first day of life new school. We friends new and fresh start everything is gonna be great I will have so many friends and get invited to so many parties or that's what I thought I only had two friends Pablo and Jackson wang they are both brothers.
You couldn't make a lot of friends due to the way u look u have short brown hair and u don't apply makeup or dress like a girl so people mistake u for a guy, everyone in school makes fun of u but Pablo and Jackson are  always there to have ur back. 
I waked into class this morning like it was normal day I put my books in the looker then he'd over to my class everyone treated me well, I sat down and found a note on my table that said
" I fell in love with u ever since I met u I fell in love with ur smile with ur eyes the list would never end if I continue if you'd like to meet me go to the playground in break time I'll be waiting under the big  tree waiting for u "
I couldn't stop smiling at the paper in front of me I could believe what I just read I was happy after reading that I couldn't wait till the period ends for break time I didn't listen to what the teachers said or explanation for the lesson I was wondering who that was
" omg I can't wait and see " is all I can think of at this point. 
As I hear the bell ring I stand up and exit the class but I fell someone grab onto my hand and pull me for a hug as I reach there I can feel his arms wrapped around me I couldn't resist but hug him back not knowing who, we stayed like that for what felt like hours I broke the hug so I can see who these hands belong to as I look up it's him.........

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