∆♥~Chaper 1~♥∆

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Skyler: *falls from bed scared* I AM TOTALLY AWAKE *Haves a Half sleep Face*

Mom: *laugh* you can be silly some times, Hun breakfast is ready, school will start in half an hour

Skyler: ok  mom thx
Mom: no problem hun

{I Stand up from the floor and slowly walk to the bathroom I Took at bath and got ready for school... Yet a Again a Other boring day at school}

Skyler: *Walks to a Group of 4 Girls*

Jane: Hi gurl!!!

Gaby: again with that hair do?

Skyler: what wrong with it... I like it...

Gaby: You Have to show your beautiful Face!

Skyler: I am not even beautiful...

Jesly: Oh come on Girl! The out side is not everything!!!

Jane: The inside is The most!

Josma: *Places pencil down*  indeed

Skyler: *Smiles softly* thanks girls

Jane: anything for a sweet cute potato like you

Skyler: *Laugh* Hey!

{ 7 Hours Past and I  finally can get home to play my video games specifically my Favorite game}

Skyler: mom is not home.. Again *Grabs phone*

Skyler: playing a little won't hurt  *Plays  game*

((in the Game))

-Gets message from stranger-

~~~Uuu what gonna happen next!?!!?!

Who is this stranger? What dosed he want? ~~~~~

SECOND OF ALL I AM SORRY FOR MY HORRIBLE SPELLING :b but I am Spanish tho I love to write on English sorry if I spell something wrong let me know and correct me so I can get better (: thanks!😃

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