A Beginning of Endings

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A Beginning of Endings (Family, Sci-fi, /r/zootopia #2 anthology entry)

The young rabbit nervously clutched a well-worn book to her chest, the title Igraine the Brave Bunny visible in large, fancy gold script. She scanned the crowded school gym, looking for an adult mammal that wasn't already surrounded by a sea of other children waiting to speak to them. Nearly all the adults were local prey animals, mostly rabbit farmers, with a few store owners and other professionals that had been invited to Bunnyburrow Elementary for Career Day. The most notable exceptions were an elephant and a tiger, both wearing police uniforms and sitting off to one side. Judy bit her lip and looked over at the officers hesitantly, until her teacher walked up beside her.

The elderly armadillo smiled at the young rabbit encouragingly and said, "What would Igraine do?"

As the bunny approached the officers, she heard the tiger say, "If you'd quit pissing off the Chief, we wouldn't get stuck--"

The elephant cleared her throat and interrupted him. She smiled down at the rabbit and said, "Hello, little bunny. What's your name?"

The rabbit nervously stared up at the elephant for a few moments before she quietly said, "Judy."

The officer asked, "Do you like helping other mammals?" Judy nodded. "Well, that's one of the things I love about this job." The tiger rolled his eyes and went back to reading his newspaper. There was an awkward silence, before the elephant spotted the book Judy was holding. "Oh, I loved Igraine when I was a kid." Judy nervously bit her lip and the officer continued speaking. "Even elephants are afraid sometimes. Doing what's right... what needs to be done, even when you're afraid, is important."

The elephant spoke about being a police officer and Judy listened with rapt attention, until her teacher started to gather the students to leave. The elephant said, "Normally we have badges to hand out..." The officer held up a few stickers, each almost as large as Judy's head. The elephant looked puzzled for a moment, and then turned to rummage through a large duffle bag. She found a polar bear doll dressed as a police officer and removed the hat, which she handed to the small rabbit. "There, this should fit you." The elephant winked at Judy. "You'll just have to earn the badge." Judy clutched the hat to her chest and smiled. The elephant returned her smile and said, "Promise me that no matter what you decide you want to be when you grow up... promise me you'll be brave like Igraine and try your hardest, ok?"

Judy nodded. "I promise."


The small rabbit wailed, "I don't want you and Daddy to die!" Holly wept as Judy sat down next to her on the bed and hugged her tightly.

Nick stood nearby, looking uncomfortable. He started to speak, but Judy glared at him before she said, "Sweetie, we aren't going to die anytime soon."

The fox stepped next to the bed and awkwardly patted Holly on the back. "It's true, kiddo. I didn't mean... well, it won't happen for a long time."

The small rabbit wiped tears from her eyes. She looked at her dad and said, "But you'll both die someday."

Nick and Holly turned to look at Judy as she spoke. "It's true. Death is a part of life. My great aunt Gertie used to always say, 'Everything has an end, otherwise there's no room for new beginnings,' and she was right."

Judy went on to explain that as long as someone remembered you, you're never really gone. Nick smiled when Holly's eyelids drooped lower and lower while Judy droned on and on, until the little bunny was fast asleep. Nick and Judy kissed her goodnight and crept out of her room. They closed the door, and the fox braced himself for the impending conversation.

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