Chapter 5

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Keagan prov:

I can't believe I said that I can't believe I had the god damn guts to tell this sweet amazing girl that she was beautiful mean like what if she had a boyfriend and told him would he beat me up or even worst would she not like me back oh god what have I done!!!. All she did was stare at me with her beautiful eyes and it looked like she was shocked but I could tell her cheers were turning a light pink color and man is she fucking cute when she blushes, wait what am I thinking she would never like me mean like who would I'm awkward and I'm ugly and my eyes oh god my eyes are the worst and the only reason why I know that is because my parents say it everyday after they get done beating the shit out of me and leaving me in my room with bruises and blood going down my face or back from my father whipping me with the belt. I was then brought back to the real world when she looked down and said "I'm not beautiful" I was shocked that she would say that so I decided to prove it to her so I pulled her into a big hug and not those bone crushing bear hugs by one of those hugs that are passionate and meaningful and is filled with love, and that's because I think I'm falling for Harley.....

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