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I groan and slam my hand on my annoying alarm clock, turning it off. I lay there for about 10 more minutes before my phone goes off. 'Goddammit Tyler shut the fuck up and leave me alone....' I sigh and sit up, looking at my phone. Tyler has sent me over 15 texts yelling at me for being late. He knew I was going to be late though. I have been dreading this day for months.

Today is the day we are going to test the transportation device. Either it's going to go perfectly, or I am never going to be seen again. There is no in between. None of us know what is on the other side.

I sigh and get up from my bed, taking another hour to get ready. When I am dressed(outfit in picture), I look in the mirror. Boss wanted me to look elegant and beautiful even though I could die. Pretty much he was making sure I looked nice and gorgeous for my funeral. 'Who would've thought that training in the academy for years would lead me to dressing up like a princess barbie....'  I huff and then glare  at myself in the mirror, shaking my head at my 20-year-old self.

Clearing my throat, I walk out of my room and down the stairs, to my kitchen where my black kitten, Midnight, meets me on the counter. I sigh and pet his head, "Oh Midnight.....What have I gotten myself into this time...." He meows and purrs in my hand. I smile and pick him up, "Come on, buddy. We have work to do today." I sigh again and grab the bag I had packed for this "special" day. The bag contains of 3 packages of roasted chicken ramen noodles, 4 chocolate bars, 6 blueberry muffins, 3 bottles of S'mores Starbucks drinks, water, a walkie-talkie, 2 pairs of shoes, a hoodie, 3 outfits, a gun, a knife, my phone charger, 3 packs of cigarettes, and a bottle of whiskey. Gotta be prepared, right? Right.
I sigh and grab my keys, closing and locking the door to my apartment. I walk down the stairs, passing my grumpy neighbor lady. I am so glad that I FINALLY get to leave her. She always complains about me and how I "have a big apartment but I'm never home" and how my "cat always scratches the walls and wakes her up in the middle of the night". All she does is glare at me and keep walking. I chuckle and walk down the last step. If only she knew that I'd be dying today. She'd treat me WAY differently. Maybe even be nice to me for once.
~~Time skip to work area (3 hours. It is now 12PM)~~
I enter the building with Midnight in my hand and am emotionless expression on my face. Right when I enter, my boss, Dr. Thai Johnson, stomps up to me, fuming, "Rose! Where in the hell have you been?!?! You were supposed to be here at 8 AM and it is now noon! You're lucky you are the only person qualified to test this machine or I would have you fired on the spot!" The last name. He always calls me by my last name. It's funny because that's not even my REAL last name. That's just the last name I got when I was adopted for the third time. My real name is Katriane "Kat" Aceline Petit Moreau Rose. Long? I know. That's why I made my name Kat Rose. It's easier and people won't know my background. If people heard the name Katriane Aceline, people would freak out. That's because....Well, you'll find out later.
I scoffed and rolled my eyes, "Sorry, Dr. Johnson, I didn't know I was supposed to rush to my funeral." Midnight hisses at Thai, making me smirk a bit.
Thai huffs and shakes his head, "Whatever. Did you bring everything? We will test at exactly 12:30 PM. I swear to god, Kat, if you are even a SECOND late, I will kill you myself. Understood?" I glare at him and nod. He glares back at me with his auburn eyes. Thai isn't a bad looking guy, for being 26. He could actually pass for a Calvin Klein model if it weren't for the scar running down the left side of his face, making him blind in one eye. Honestly, I think the scar is badass. Kinda sexy.
But then the dumbass opens his mouth and I am reminded why I hate him so much.
I walk away from Thai, heading to the small café. Why not have a coffee before I pretty much commit suicide? Seems okay to me.
As I walk, people stare at me. They aren't exactly used to princess looking people to walk through the work building. Well, more like they aren't use to me looking nice. Oh well. I'll be dead soon anyway.
I order a small coffee and sit at a small table by the window. I set Midnight on my lap and he curls up in a ball, taking a short nap. As I drink my coffee, I think about what could possibly be on the other side....

~~Time skip to testing (It is currently 12:29 PM)~~

I stand in front of the transportation device, my bag on my shoulders and Midnight in my arms. I glare at the swirling colors in front of me, taking deep breaths as I prepare myself.
"Alright, Kat. Are you ready?" Thai asks over the intercom thing because he's too big of a pussy to be in the same room, "Well, it's not like you get a choice or not......I'm going to need you to take a step into the transportation device in 10 seconds." Then starts the countdown.
9. I take a step. 8. Another. 7. I stare at the swirling colors, fear taking over my body. 6. I take a huge step closer, now only 5 more steps away. 5. A small tear escapes my eye. 4. All of the good memories of my life swarm through my head, making me smile a bit. 3. Then all of my bad memories take over the good ones and I am reminded why I signed up to do this in the first place. 2. I am now face to face with the swirling colors of the "portal". 1. I then take a step in the portal, not looking back.

As I take a step into the portal, all the colors swarm my vision and all of my memories seem to slowly be replaced with new ones.

Weird ones.

All of a sudden, I here a loud BANG and pain swarms my whole body. Then, everything goes black.


Dear readers,

Hey guys! So this is my first story in, like, 2 years so please don't hate it! Please leave your opinions in the comment section, though. If I need to fix something, tell me. Please. I need the help. 

I will TRY and update every Saturday, but no guarantees.

Thanks for reading my story!!! Have an awesome week!!


The Author 

Never Learn. -----Attack On Titan-----Where stories live. Discover now