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As I run- completely distracted-I end up running right into somebody's back, falling on top of the person I ran into. I lift my head off of the person's chest and come face-to-face with the one and only..............

Levi Ackerman.

"Fucking Hell! Why did you stop walking? Get the fuck up and run!" I growl at him, hopping back up to see Hange in the distance, laughing evilly,
Levi stands up and huffs, "Me?!?! Why the hell were you running in the first place?!?! Learn how to see you blind idiot!" He then follows my stare to see Hange, "Fucking shit let's go." We both jog the rest of the way to the meet up.

I stop jogging and cover my eyes because of the bright sun, rubbing them. Levi walks the rest of the way to Eyebrows and they start talking about something. When I can finally see again, I look over at them to see them both staring at me and talking. I look at them both and just glare. Levi glares back at me, while Erwin automatically looks away. All of a sudden, I see Eren approaching in my peripheral vision. I look over at him and give him a small smile. He smiles brightly at me and stands in front, "Hey Kat!! How you doing?" I see Levi and Erwin disperse and Levi starts to slowly approach behind Eren. Eren's voice goes quiet, "Sorry you had to get stuck with the Levi. He's pretty grumpy."
Levi is now standing directly behind Eren as he clears his throat,"Jeager, because of the comment you get to clean the living quarters for the next two months. Now, leave. I have to discuss some things with Katriane."
Eren gets a look of fear on his face as he gulps and slowly turns around, "Sorry Captain. It'll never happen again." He then runs off to the Mikasa girl and the blonde kid.
I glare at shorty, "Was that really necessary? We were just having a conversation."
Levi 'tch's and rolls his eyes, "Shut the hell up I did you a favor. That brat would annoy the hell out of you." He then starts walking, "Let's go. You're riding with Erwin, Hange, and I." I catch up to him and sigh.
"Oh goody. Shorty, eyebrows, and Billy Fucking Madison all in the same carriage. How fun." I roll my eyes, and was about to say something before I find myself on the ground, making an ""oof" while I go down. Levi holds me down and bring his face close to mine and he lowers his voice to a very scary level, "Look I don't know who the fuck you think you are, but with the situation you are in at the moment, you don't want to fuck with me. You are very close to death at the moment and I don't care enough about you to not have you killed. You are under MY orders and you better learn how to keep your mouth closed or I will have you killed, do you understand?" He glares dagger at me. I keep an emotionless expression on my face, although I am pretty surprised at his actions.
"Okay whatever, King Shorty, now get off of me  before you give the mad scientist any ideas." His expression goes completely blank, but his eyes flash a bit of surprise. He then goes back to the glare and stands up, huffing. He looks away and holds his hand out to me, "Let's go."
I raise an eyebrow and grab his hand, letting him help me up. We then start to walk towards the carriage again. In complete silence.

[3 hours later- TIME IS UNKNOWN- Currently arriving at The HQ]

The last thing I remember is Erwin and Hange talking about something and then a passed out the rest of the ride. I wake up by a whole bunch of whispers and some girls giggling. I'm not sure what's happening right now, but I'm bouncing. Not a bad bounce, though. It's actually kind of soothing. Somebody's carrying me and whoever this is smells good. Really good. Like expensive Calvin Klein cologne, but better, and slightly mixed with the smell of...Febreez???

I slowly open my eyes, squinting because of the sun. When my vision goes back to normal, I take a good look at the person carrying me and BOY am I surprised. The person carrying me is the one and only Levi "Shorty" Ackerman. I furrow my eyebrows as he glaces down at me with his piercing eyes. I yawn and look away, "I can walk you-" He cuts me off with a 'tch' and a glare, "Shut up and go back to sleep. I'll show you around later. You're obviously tired." I furrow my eyebrows again, confused as to WHY he is helping me, but I'm not gonna lie, he was right. I'm exhausted. Going through the travel machine really drained my energy. He keeps walking, ignoring all the stares and whispers. He enters a big, castle looking building and walks down some halls, "Erwin decided to put you on my team, making me completely in charge of you. I decided to give you the hidden, more secluded room beside mine. Hange already put your bag and....cat....in there, so if you need anything, go to her." I tiredly nod and yawn again. Staying awake is VERY difficult for me right now and I don't know why. I need to stay awake to try and report to Thai, but I slowly find myself drifting off again. I try my hardest, but then I end up falling asleep, the last thing I see is Levi glance down at me. When he saw me falling asleep again, his mood changed in a way. His eyes showed a small glimmer of curiousness, but it almost disappears as soon as it shows. Then, I'm asleep.


I don't know how long I've been out, but all I know is that I must have been out all day because when i wake up, it's dark out. I slowly get up from the bed, my body being sore from the fall I took to get here. Midnight meows and curls up on my warm pillow, not wanting to get up. I sigh and walk to the wardrobe, hoping something is in there for me to wear. I open the brown, wooden door and find an outfit that looks just like everybody else's. It looks like the right size, but I'll have to try it on tomorrow to see. I sigh and look down, seeing my black backpack. I grab it and set it on my bed, unzipping it. I grab a plain black hoodie and a pair of black spandex and set them on the bed beside my bag. I then locate the secret pocket to see that my weapons and cell phone are indeed still in there. Sighing of relief, I grab the walkie talkie and start flipping channels, trying to find the one Thai was going to try and communicate to me with. After about 10 minutes, I start to lose hope until I approach a channel and here words that are hard to decipher because of the static, but I know it's Thai. How do I know? Because he of what it said.

"Kat you fucking bitch you better not be dead."

I let out a chuckle and try to reply, "Thai? Hey I think it worked." After I reply, it goes to complete static for about five minutes until Thai answers again, "Rose?!?! You made it! Where are you?!!" I sigh and reply, "I'm still not sure. This place is FAR in history. I actually think......" I furrow my eyebrows,

"I actually think I traveled dimensions."



Hey guys! I'm back! Sorry for the short and boring chapter and sorry for being gone for so long. I ended up getting really busy and then hit a writer's block, but I'm back!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2018 ⏰

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