Emperors mistake

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It's 9:28 p.m gabby sleeps in her thrown of thorns,she smells blood filling the sweet sent of air, she inhales the great aroma that surrounds her, she felt rejuvenated as she awoke darting her eyes towards the corpses of the mundane people. She focuses on the voice that grew closer as a male ran into the room unarmed dressed like a mailman, he he bowed before her, telling her that a war has begun, and that she should take part of it for the community. A few days weeks pass, Gabby stands in her room wearing her boxers and bra getting her warrior suit, preparing for war. Her handy maids walked in handing her the preparations she'd need on her way. A servant walked in asking her who'd watch over her thrown if she left. Gabby stopped him before he could say anything else. "Shut your mouth, peasant. It's my job to watch over this clan, and I pick who holds my place until I get back, and in choosing my older brother, Sanjay." Gabby stood up walking out of the room angrily.

Gabby, The EmperorWhere stories live. Discover now