Mental AU

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I accidentally made a Hamilton AU while doodling in class. I don't have /everything/ figured out yet, but,,, I have the gist of it.

Please note: The mental disorders used in this AU are extreme cases. Not everyone with god complex is okay with murder, not everyone with social anxiety has doxophobia, not everyone with ADHD have violent outbursts.
Also note: Some of the mental disorders given to these characters are the same as mine and my friend's/family's. It would be greatly appreciated if you didn't make fun of the characters, say they're "crazy" or something of the like, and didn't change their personalities/disorders.

Alexander Hamilton
Disorder: MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder)
Other: His alternate personality calls itself Charles.
Alexander suffers from MPD. Alexander is who you usually think of- non-stop, called John a "fat mother[------]", etc. Charles, Alexander's "alternate personality" or "voice" is much different. Charles cares for Alexander, but does so in all the wrong ways. Charles often tries to take over Alexander's body and goes on breaks- drinking with friends, going to sleep, going to sleep with people (if you know what I mean), etc. Charles also chooses to fiercely defend Alexander; he'd kill someone if he thought it would keep Alexander happy. Alexander doesn't like Charles all too well, seeing as he stops Alexander from working 24/7, but doesn't do anything to get rid of him. Alexander doesn't remember what happens when Charles is in control, and, at first, doesn't even know Charles has the power to control him.
Charles is NOT Charles Lee-- Charles is the name of my father and my father's father and his father's father. I completely forgot Lee's first name was Charles until now and I am too lazy to change it.

Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler
Disorder: Insomnia
Other: Takes medications.
Before Eliza was put on medications to help her sleep, she would stay up for weeks on end. She wouldn't go to sleep until she couldn't stand the hallucinations caused by sleep deprivation. Her medications cause minor mood swings. Other than that, Eliza is fairly normal.

Angelica Schuyler
Disorder: Manic Depression (Bipolar Disorder)
Other: Was allergic to the medications she was given last. Is looking for an alternative medicine.
Angelica suffers from Bipolar Disorder. She has violent outbursts and is usually in a salty mood. Every few days, all her troubles will be forgotten as her disorder puts her in an irregularly good mood. She gets plenty of work done, peacefully protests for woman's rights, and is typically forgiving when in this mood. Otherwise, she can and she will fight anyone. The only person that seems to be safe from her violent outbursts is Eliza.

Thomas Jefferson
Disorder: God Complex
Other: His case of god complex is extreme.
Thomas suffers from God Complex. He believes he's higher than morals and laws. If people don't respect him, he'll make them fear him. He's manipulative, his primary victim being Lafayette. Thomas will do whatever it takes to be on top, including ruining lives and even murder.

Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Moteir De La Fayette, Marquis De Lafayette
Disorder: Social Anxiety
Other: Has developed doxophobia (the fear of praise and expressing one's opinions) due to his disorder.
Lafayette suffers from Social Anxiety. He gets inexplicably nervous when around a group of five or more. He often lets Thomas disguise as him because he's too afraid to tell Thomas no. Usually when just around the revolutionaries (Alexander, Hercules, John), he isn't very nervous. His disorder will only be extremely obvious around them when he is forced to make a choice or give his opinion. He will occasionally disguise as Thomas when he wants the revolutionaries to stop complimenting him. Lafayette is afraid to be on the top, but likely won't argue if he's put there; he'd be even more afraid to fight back.

Lafayette and Thomas were loosely based off the Fake Laf AU.

John Laurens
Disorder(s): Schizophrenia and PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
Other: Takes medications for his schizophrenia.
John suffers from schizophrenia and PTSD. His PTSD comes from fighting in the war and his duel with Charles Lee, along with seeing Alexander's Charles try to strangle about eight different people. John struggles with keeping a job and struggles with day to day life in general- He can hardly go anywhere without having a flashback. Some things that trigger his PTSD are fire, smoke, whiskey (which was used to numb men before their limbs were removed), most sharp objects, guns, and yelling. Loud noises in general can also trigger his PTSD. As for his schizophrenia, things are much better. With his medications, he only sees things about once or twice a week. Common hallucinations are gaping holes in the floor, wounded men, or blood dripping from the ceiling and leaking from underneath closed doors. He can't distinguish the rare hallucinations from reality, and often asks whoever might be nearby at the time if they're real or not. The hallucinations always come with nausea and terrible migraines.
(Thank you to an old friend of mine for helping me out with John's disorders. Though I know you're not reading this, I hope you know how deeply sorry I am that I couldn't do more for you before you disappeared.)

Philip Hamilton
Disorder(s): Night Terrors, Reoccurring Nightmares, and PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
Other: Has developed haphephobia (the fear of people or physical contact) due to his reoccurring nightmares.
Philip suffers from night terrors, reoccurring nightmares, and PTSD. His PTSD comes from his nightmares- His nightmares are all of John Laurens' memories. His night terrors, of course, have the same root. His PTSD isn't near as bad as John's was, and could even be marked off as anxiety at first glance. Philip has to be locked into his bed to prevent any serious injuries that could occur due to his night terrors. His room is sound proof so everyone else can get rest while he screams and cries in his sleep. Philip is almost afraid to be in the same room as his father because of the nightmares. He hasn't met Charles personally, but the thought of Alexander having an alternate personality terrifies him nonetheless. In addition to this, he dreams about /all/ of Laurens' memories. This includes any and all amorous activities between him and Alexander; this makes Philip extremely uncomfortable.
(*Casually slides in some low key Lams*)

King George III
Disorder: ADHD/ADD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder/Attention Deficit Disorder)
Other: Takes medications, but is trying to get stronger ones.
King George suffers from ADHD. He struggles to sit still, to pay attention to one thing for more than a few hours, to process emotions properly, and has occasional outbursts. When he does have outbursts, they are anything but mild. He screams and cries, and even physically attacks anyone and everyone. His outburst usually last fifteen to twenty minutes, but only happen once every few weeks thanks to his medications. He is able to sort of focus on one thing for more than an hour (once again, because of his medications), but struggles with staying still.
(Thank you to Austin, my awesome little brother, for fully explaining ADHD and for helping me choose which character would have this disorder!)

Charles Lee
Disorder: Anger Issues
Other: Anger issues aren't really a disorder, I just need to give Lee an excuse for being a dick.
Lee's an asshole because he has anger issues. Case closed. Lee acts like Lee because he is Lee and Lee is a douche. That's all.

And that's all I have so far. I don't have a starter, but if you want to roleplay this AU, just put a starter in the comments and I'll gladly reply!
(Also, help and feedback this AU will be taken with joy! Thank you!)

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