Ron and me are in our room when Lavender enter the room and kiss Ron I shock a lot.Ron push Lavender away from him and get angry I'm almost cry so I run fast and Ron follow me I think while I'm running so I go to Harry and Ginny's room and I just fall and cry louder Ginny go towards me and hug me and she ask me why? I can't answer coz it. Hurt me a lot
"Who is the one that make you cry Hermione I swear I will kill him " said ginny angerly
"Ron, ron and lavender just enter our room and just kiss Ron I think I'm might..... "I said shockly a lot
"Your jeaouls about it "😒😒😒😒😒
"Yes I am 😭😢😭😢😭😢" I said sadly
Someone was knocking in the door I say to Ginny to tell that I'm not here but it was late Ginny let Ron enter the room ..Ron hug me and say sorry about what happen I just crying and doesn't respond she turn my head up and say that he love me always bit I don't know if i will believe it again but I love him a lot so I accept him sorry.... I love him like how Ginny love Harry and I don't want to lose the boy who accept me....
" Hermione sorry again I'm shock too I'm almost hurt him but I can't hurt girls... 😔😔😔😔😔"
" I know, I know that you can't but I'm. .........jea.... lous about it 😔😞😔😞😔😞"
Ginny and Harry is just looking us and smiling I notice it so I think we will leave cause I think that they need privacy to so we leave them alone.....
FanficThis is just a fiction about ron and hermione it's not how they meet at the movie when they are just 12 or 11 years old in this story when they meet they are almost 23 years old ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺