Lunch with the popular kids👑and Mission Time‼️

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After the whole Troy thing I went back to class and went to lunch. I look around to see if I see Matt or lily. No.
I see Anna and some kids with Troy in the same table.
I have a mental meltdown. Anna waves me over. I walk over slowly with a apple sauce cup in my hand. "Heyyyyy sis" she says. "Hey sis" I say looking at the kids. "So that's Wanda, vision, peter, Williams, Cloe and you actually might know him...that's Troy" my sis says smirking.
"Yea I know her" he says smirking. I look away. "What do you want sis" I say narrowing my eyes. "Sit and get to know them" Anna says. I sit next to a boy with grayish hair. He looks at me and sucks his teeth. "What's your name blondie" he says. I stay quiet. The other boy with red hair slams his hand in front of me. "WHEN WE ASK A QUESTION ANSWER!" He yells. "Simmer down Vision" peter says. "Do we really have to have her here" the boy with brown hair says. "Yes we do William" a girl with light brown hair says. "Shut the fuck up cloe we don't need this jack ass blonde here" William says. I get up and look at them. "Then I'll leave" I hiss. Troy looks at me. He gets up. "Yea actually Mr.Green assigned us a mission earlier" Troy says smiling. I look at his puzzled. "Mission?" I say in confusion. Troy grits his teeth still smiling. "YEA! A-Mi-ssion!" He says.
"OH YEAAAAAA! Duh how silly can I be! We do have a mission!" I say laughing nervously. "Yea let's go" Troy says grabbing my hand and walking off. "Seems like buddy boy Troy has a girlfriend!" Peter yells. Everyone looks at us. I blush then shake my head.

I see Matt and Lily. I wave them over and they rush to us. "Let's go on a mission for real" I say looking at Troy. "REALLY?!" He says excited. I nod. "Sweet!" Matt says with dark energy swirling around his hands. "Let's go!" Lily says making an ice path and sliding down it.
We follow her. Matt turns into black mist and disappears. Troys body surrounds with electricity and he disappears. "NO FAIR!" I yell running to Mr.Green office.
I run down the hall and make a sharp turn. I see all three of them waiting at the door. "Can you take any longer?" Troy asks.
"Tsk. Shut the fuck up bolt boy" I say opening the door. Matt and lily laugh until Troy turns around and gives them a death look.
They stop laughing and follow me inside.
I see Mr.Green typing on the laptop. "What do you hoodlums want" he says chuckling. "We want a mission we already have a team as you can see" Troy says with a serious face.
He's kinda hot with that face...
"Hmmm what in particular" Mr.Green says. "Fight some crime!" Matt says. "YEA KICK SOME ASS!" Lily says fist bumping Matt. I laugh.
"Very well." Mr.Green says.
"After school is training time and tomorrow will be mission time" Mr.Green says.
All four of us cheer. "We're sooooooo going to rock this" I say smiling and laughing. Troy looks at me. "What?" I ask. He shakes his head then smirks. "I like your smile and laugh" he says smirking.
I blush and I look at Matt and Lily. "OOOOOOOO!!!" They both say squealing. I role my eyes.
Electricity surrounds troys body and he shocks both of them.
They shriek and run out the room. Troy runs after them. "GET THE HELL BACK HERE!!!" Troy yells. I laugh and run after them. I stop at the door. "Thanks Mr.Green!" I say. He salutes and smiles. I continue to run after these crack heads.

Hope you guys enjoyed! I have a test tomorrow, Wednesday, and Thursday 😭 I have testing so I'll be busy and I'll try to post! Bye guys luv shu and remember the #1 ship name:


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