Chapter 2

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Jack's POV

I called everybody down into the living room. "So everybody, Kim is going to be staying here for the week to help me take care of you guys!" Everybody cheered then Kim came through the door with a suitcase. "Here let me take that!" I said as I grabbed it and brought it up to my room. Yes, she's sleeping in my room. Actually, we do this quite often. Ever since we were three, whenever we spent the night at each other's houses we just slept in the same bed. When I came back down I saw Kim holding Cooper up by the collar, and Cooper looked really scared. I rushed over and took Cooper out of Kim's grasp and pulled Kim onto the couch next to me. I put my arm around her waist and she rested her head on my shoulder, starting to relax. "What did you do to her THIS time, Cooper?" He smirked and said, "Well, I told her the truth, the only reason she ever beats me in anything is because I let her win. I'm ESPECIALLY better in karate." "Not a very smart choice, Coop." "Oh you little brat!" She yelled and started to lunge at him. I simply grabbed her slim waist and pulled her onto my lap. She slightly blushed, and Sydney turned on a movie while the sitting down. Rylei was on the end, Levi on her lap, Sydney was next to me and Kim, and Cooper was in between them with Ari on his lap. The couch had no room on it for anybody else to sit. Kim went to get up but I held her down. "Kimmy, please stay here. I like knowing your saf

Kim's POV

"Kimmy, please stay here. I like knowing your safe in my arms." Jack whispered as he pulled me back onto his lap when I tried to get up. I blushed a deep red. He does this to me. Earlier today when I told him I loved him, it was more than in just a friendly way. I, Kimberly Anne Crawford, am in love my best friend, Jackson Lucas Brewer. Every time he accused me of having a crush on him, I deny because he would never like me back. My best friend Grace Brewer (Jack's cousin), is the only one that knows other than my little brother and sister, who stole my diary and found out. After the movie it was about 6, so we made some sandwiches and had them for dinner. Then everybody went to get washed up, and by the time we were all showered, it was about 7:30. We had an hour before we had to put Levi to bed and an hour and a half before we had to put Ari to bed, and 2 hours before everyone else had to go o bed. For the hour we watched what Levi wanted to watch, and then Jack went to take him upstairs. "No! I want Kim to do it!" He yelled running to me. "Why do they like you so much!? Nobody here loves me anymore!" I giggled and picked Levi up. Then I walked over to Jack. I whispered in his ear, "You know you're my best friend, and I love you." And gave him a small side hug, then walked up the stairs and put Levi in bed and kissed him goodnight. We then watched Ari's show for half an hour before it was her bedtime. "Let me guess," Jack said, "you want Kim to put you to bed." She nodded and ran over to me. I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek to make him feel a little better, picked Ari up and tucked her in bed. We just sat around talking before it reached 9:30. I looked at my phone and said, "9:30. Time for bed."  And we all got up and went into the appropriate rooms. When we got into Jack's room I said, "Jackie, don't feel bad that they wanted me today." "I can't help it. It's been 3 years since the divorce and I've taken care of all of them ever since. It hurts." He said. I'm not sure if he was serious or not. But I knew exactly what to do. I put on my puppy dog face and said, "Pwease stop being upset Jackie! Or I'll be in a sad mood too." He quickly broke. "You know, I can't have my Kimmy in a being sad. I love you too much. Come here." He said as he held out his arms for me to lay next to him. He kissed my forehead before I spoke up, "Hey Jackie, when we were watching the movie, you said that you like me being safe in your arms. What was that all about?" He sat up and looked at me nervously, "Well, I guess I have to tell you now. Kim, I love you. Not in the way that you're my best friend though. I still love you as a best friend, and I always will. I mean I'm in love with you. I'm in love with my best friend. All those times I teased you about having a crush on me; it was to cover up the fact that I actually like you. Kimmy, I love your blonde hair, and your chocolate brown eyes. I love everything about you. But I understand if you don't like me back." It took me a while to process what he had just said. Did he really mean it? He looked at me with eyes filled with hope. I've never seen Jack like this before. He was in a way… vulnerable. That's not the Jack I've known for 12 years. The longer I sat there, the more his eyes turned from hope, to hurt. Before thinking I quickly gave him a kiss on the lips. When we pulled apart I said, "I love you too Jackie." And he pulled me onto his lap. I fell asleep in his arms that night. The next morning I woke up to an alarm. Jack was already out of bed. That's weird; I didn't hear any other alarm go off. I walked into Jack's bathroom and quickly got ready for school. Then I went into Ariana's room and woke her up, because she takes a while to be fully awake, and I went into Levi's room, and got him up. I put him in a simple red t-shirt, a pair of jeans, and red Converses. I then went into Ariana's room and laid her clothes on the bed. She came down in five minutes wearing her purple dress, white leggings, and her purple Uggs. We quickly ate breakfast then Jack and I did hair. Jack did Ariana and Levi's, while I did Sydney and Rylei's, and Cooper did his own. Jack put Ari's long blonde hair in a simple ponytail, with a purple scrunchy at the top, braided it, and added a purple flower elastic at the end.Jack put some gel in Levi's blonde hair, so it went up in the front. Rylei was wearing a red Aeropostale shirt with black skinny jeans and red Uggs. I pulled her brown wavy hair into a ponytail and put a red bow in it because she has cheerleading after school. Sydney was wearing and orange Hollister shirt with white skinny jeans, and orange Jordan's. I put her hair in a French braid with a simple orange elastic at the bottom because she has basketball after school. It's funny, Rylei and Sydney look EXACTLY alike (despite Sydney having straight hair and Rylei having wavy), but their personalities were as different as night and day. Sydney was more like Jack and I; she was into sports like karate and basketball and never was really into cheerleading and stuff like that. Rylei is just like her cousin Grace. Loves cheerleading, does karate like all of us but isn't really into it and doesn't really like basketball and things like that. They're complete opposites. Rylei likes Aeropostale, Sydney likes Hollister. Rylei likes Uggs; Sydney likes Jordan's and DC's. Finally, Cooper just put gel in his hair so it met in the middle as a Mohawk. I walked over to Jack and pulled him into a hug. He quickly pecked my lips and we broke apart. Everybody looked at us with shocked looks on their faces. "Umm, Jack, since when do you kiss Kim… on the lips? I mean you always kiss her cheek, but never the lips." Cooper asked. "Since she became my girlfriend last night." He replied simply I smiled and hugged him again. They were still confused when Jack and I started to walk out, his arm protectively around my waist. "Come on you 5, we have to get you to the bus stop. Stop staring it's impolite." Ari ran over to Jack and held out her arms to him, signaling to pick her up. "I thought you liked Kim better!" He sJack switched our position so our fingers were intertwined, and Ari was resting on his waist, her head on his shoulder. Behind us were Syd and Gracie arguing about some twin thing, and Cooper holding Levi. We stopped at my house to bring Leo and Olivia to the bus stop too. We waited as the first bus pulled up. Cooper, Leo, Olivia, Sydney and Rylei got on. Cooper was starting 5th grade, while the rest were going to 4th. I picked Levi up as we waved goodbye and the bus drove away as the next bus pulled up. Levi and Ari quickly gave us both kisses and got onto the bus, Ari heading for kindergarten, Levi heading for preschool. "I still can't believe my mom left us alone on the first day of school." Jack said as we started to walk towards school, his arm around my waist again. "I know Jackie, but just stop thinking about it. For me? Please Jackie?" He shook his head and smiled, "Anything for my Kimmy." We then walked through the doors of Seaford High, getting looks from everyone. They could tell we were finally together. Guys had looks of pure hatred for Jack. Girls had jealousy all over their face, and other kids were just plain happy that we were finally together. Those select few being our best friends: Jerry, Milton, Eddie, Gracie, Julie, and Kelsey. We all do karate together at the Bobby Wasabi Dojo in the Strip Mall. Jack and I are the only black belts: him a third degree, me a second. Grace shrieked at the sight of us together. "Gracie! Why'd you scream like that?" "Because you and Jack are together!" she yelled. Everybody was used to outbursts from us, so nobody was paying attention. I wiggled out of Jack's arms. I violently shook Grace, "Gracie, yes, Jack and I are together, but there's no reason New Jersey needs to know!" I said pointing out how loud she was. "I'm sorry Kim, but I've been waiting for this since you told me back when we were 9." Gracie said, her boyfriend, Jerry then spoke. "Yea Jack, I've been waiting for this since you told me 10 years ago." He's really liked me that long? He chuckled as if he was reading my mind and said, "Yes I have." He knows me too well. "Anyways guys, my mom's gone for the whole week, so do you want to spend the night tonight?" Jack asked and everybody quickly agreed. "But I swear, if Ariana and Levi want one of them more than me-" Jack said before Milton cut him off, "What do you mean wants one of us more than you? They love you." I giggled and said, "Ariana and Levi didn't let Jack put them in bed last night, they wanted me to. And when I first got there they ignored Jack and ran straight to me." They all started to laugh before Grace spoke up, "Well, I'm their cousin, so I'm not that special. They probably won't want dummy over here much," Grace said pointing to her boyfriend as she continued, pointing at Julie and Milton, "those two can put them to sleep by saying the word 'math,' Kelsey over there they might want because she's fun, and Eddie can cook food. So you only have to worry about those two, really." Grace said honestly as Jack, Grace, Kelsey, Eddie and I burst out laughing. Julie and Milton were wondering what she meant by putting them to sleep, because math is so fun. And Jerry was still trying to figure out what she had just said. "Come on Jerry, we have Spanish, and God help me if you fail that test when you speak the language fluently…" She continued to ramble as she pulled Jerry by the collar in the direction of Spanish 11. We all laughed as we slowly started going to class. Milton and Julie in the direction of whatever honors class they have, and the rest of us going to honors English.  We got there and sat down in our regular seats. Class was really boring. Halfway through the class I felt a strong pair of arms take me out of my seat and pull my onto someone's lap. Jack. I smiled and got comfortable. I could tell that the teacher noticed, but she didn't mind, because she always knew we'd be together, and she thought it was cute. Everybody else seemed pretty irritated that Jack and I were together. Especially Donna Tobin: Jack's stalker. When the bell rang we got up and Jack and I walked hand in hand to my locker. As I got my stuff out he put his head on my shoulder, suddenly I felt him being ripped off my shoulders. Donna Tobin. "Hey Jackie." She said while getting closer to him. He backed away. "First of all, I'm with my GIRLFRIEND. Second of all, she's the only one that can call me Jackie." "Oh Jackie, what are you doing with that dumb blonde?" His face got really red, but not blushing, he was mad. "What the hell did you call my Kimmy!?" "You heard me right. She's a dumb ugly blonde." "She's not dumb, she's not ugly. She's beautiful, and she's the smartest girl I've ever met. She's the smartest and most beautiful girl I've ever met, plus she could kick your butt." To prove his point I grabbed her arm and I was about to flip her, when Jack pulled me away. "I'm not holding her back next time." She huffed and went off to her friends. We went through the rest of the day without a problem. We said bye to everybody and headed to Jack's house; they'll all be there in about an hour. Before going home we waited at the bus stop for our little siblings to be dropped off. Ariana and Levi have half-day school, so my mom watches them because she stays at home full time, while my dad works. About 5 minutes later the bus pulled up and the five kids got off the bus. Sydney and Rylei were arguing about which was better: Aeropostale or Hollister. Leo and Olivia were arguing too, just about who skateboards better. Finally, Cooper hopped off the bus looking really mad. "What happened Coop?" He just shook his head and ran to the house. We went to my house and got Ariana and Levi, and Leo and Olivia grabbed their stuff so they could stay at Jack's for the night. Then we quickly walked next door and went in the house. Jack quickly gave me a peck on the lips and said, "I'll be right back, something's up with Cooper." I nodded as he ran up the steps to Cooper's room.

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