Chapter 2: Numb

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"Luna, knock it off!" Celestia yelled, as Luna played in the halls with Philomena. Luna came to a halt, her eyes wide,

"But, you promised we could play today, we've gotten bored..." Luna squeaked, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Luna, I am too busy to play games with you today. Go find something quiet to do while I work!" Celestia snapped and returned to her office, leaving Luna sitting in sadness. Philomena chirped, giving Luna a little nudge on her cheek. Luna smiled, glad to see someone cared about her, but Celestia's annoyed voice echoed through the halls again,

"Come here, Philomena!"

Philomena raised her wings and flew through the halls to Celestia's office. Luna got up, tears streaming down her face, and sadly walked to her room.

Celestia trotted down the halls to Luna's room, she felt really badly for yelling at her that morning and decided she would help Luna put up the stars, to make up for it. Celestia knocked on Luna's door, but no one came. Celestia turned the knob with her magic, and peeked in,

"Luna? Are you in here?" Celestia inquired, and she saw Luna on the balcony right outside her room. Celestia walked out there and took her place beside Luna, she noticed she was already putting stars up into the sky.

"I was going to help you with that..." Celestia said, startling Luna from silence.

"We can do it ourselves." Luna snapped back, her eyes still focused on the sky. Celestia's ears went flat for a second from her sister's harsh comeback, but she raised her wings, and flew into the sky. Her eyes glowing white, she lowered the sky to make way for the moon. When she landed back on Luna's balcony, Luna flapped her wings and took to the sky. Celestia was confused,

Usually, we do it together... she thought as she saw her sister raise the moon. But when Luna finished, she didn't return to the balcony, she dove through the sky, making beautiful turns and spins, obviously enjoying the Moon's cool light. Celestia smiled, but frowned again when she saw Luna land on the ground. Celestia immediately followed, trying to stay out of sight. Luna trotted through the moon bathed fields, heading towards a small, upstart village known as Ponyville, that had sprouted there, only a year before. Celestia realized as she got closer, Luna was crying. Her eyes wide, and shocked as she wandered through the town. Celestia couldn't bear the look on her face any longer so she soared into the air, and back to the balcony, pretending to be waiting for Luna to return.

Celestia snapped open her eyes when she heard Luna land on the balcony, she turned her head and smiled sleepily,

"So, what did you see on your little trip?" Celestia sighed, her eyes and voice tired. Luna didn't reply, she just walked into her room, and kneeled into her bed. Celestia stumbled up, and covered Luna up with her blanket, and made her way to her own bed.

In her bed, Celestia kept thinking about when Luna snapped at her, and how it didn't sound like Luna. Luna was sweet, and gentle. She would never say that. Celestia yawn and closed her eyes, thinking it could wait until morning.

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