What are we

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No ones POV
Parker and Val are at Val's house because Parker had to tell Val something
P:Val I have to tell you something
V:uh huh
Val was excited
P:...I can't do the bio dome
P:I can't be away from home
V:but I can't go without you
P:I'm really sorry Val
V: it's ok
P:at least we can be at BOOM
V:I guess
P:again I'm really sorry
V:it's fine it's just a bio dome
P:I wish it was closer
V:oh so that's....
V:I get it
P:you do
V:yeah I mean I have three brothers and even though they are annoying I still love them
P:I am going to be an only child this summer
V:what why
P:every one is going in different directions
V:oh I'm sorry Parker
P:it's ok at least I have my friends
Val goes and gives Parker a hug. It goes for a while. Parker holds Val tightly until Val and Parker realize the awkwardness. Very fast they pull apart
P:thanks Val
V:no problem Parker
P:now what
V:Remember the time when you made Joey a jet helicopter on his back
P:yeah why
V:it look fun
P:it did
V:I bet it would be a CHALLENGE to make another
Parker looked at Val and smiled. Val smiled and looked at Parker
P:I see what you did there
V:I had a feeling you would
V:no you
P:I did it last time
V:are you sure
Parker nods his head

2 hours later

V:that was easy
P:especially since we made two
V:let's just home they both work
V:can I try it first
P:yeah but I will be here in case there is a malfunction
Val glides up into the air with ease
P:doing good Val try coming down
Soon Parker saw Val had worried on her face from a distance
P:Val come Down
V:it's jammed
P:try hitting it
Val hit it but the situation got worse
V:uh oh
P:what happened
V:it's going to shut down in 1 minute
P:that's not good
Parker runs to the bottom of the machine. Val starts to fall. Before Val hit the ground Parker Dove to the ground making Val land on Parkers stomach
V:am I dead
P:no but I may be
Val gets off of Parker
V:thank you so much Parker
P:it's no problem
V:yes it is you saved my life
P:if you say so
V: I do
P:wanna test the other one
V:you can
Parker goes on and the invention was a success
V:you got lucky
P:I guess
P:Hey I have a back up at home we could fly together
30 min later
Parker flies in
V:you really did have a spare
V:well let's go
Val and Parker lift to the air
V:it's a great view
P:yeah but I have seen better
P:I'm looking at it
Val immediately smiles and blushes
P:wanna go down
V:little bit
P:I got you
Val smiles and blushes again as they slowly go down. Parker kept Val distracted.she didn't even notice they were going down.When they were down Val and Parker took the packs off.
P:that was fun
P:do you want to go to the scare park
P:I brought my board
P:I just thought that I would probably ask
V:oh ok
P:let's go

At the skate park

P:me first
Parker goes down the ramp and does some really impressive tricks. Val thinks so at least. Parker comes back.
V:that was so cool
P:I know
V:Modest much
V:my turn
P:Wait you forgot your helmet
Val turns around to look at Parker but he is closer than she thought. He puts Val's helmet on Val and clips it. Val gulps
P:there you go
Parker Steps back
P:no prob
Val starts to do a bunch of tricks.parker is impressed.Soon she is done
P:you did great
V:you did better
V:um it's getting late we should get home
P:can I walk you home
Val and Parker start walking to Val's house.
P:I had fun
V:me to
P:I...have a lot of fun your around
V:I feel the same
Parker reaches his hand towards Val's. Val looks down and interlocks their hands. She grins and looks at Parker.Parker grins back
V:Parker can I...ask you a question
V:would you say this night memorable
P:it couldn't be more perfect
Val smiled and blushed
Soon they arrive at Val's front door
V:well bye Parker
P:wait you didn't take your helmet off
Once again Val turned but Parker was very close.He unclipped Val's helmet and took it off.when he gave it to Val their hands touch making them stare at each other.They lean in.parker puts his hand on Val's cheek.they get closer. Soon there lips touch.they both felt an emotion that they had never felt before. Neither of them had ever liked another because they were to busy with science. They pulled apart slowly but there noses were still touching.
P:Now it couldn't be more perfect
Val bit her lip and smiled. She was also blushing furiously.
P:To me I think I would consider this night a date
V:what are we
P:I don't know
V:until we can figure this out let's just take things slow
P:sounds great
They separate
Parker left but they both felt the same. They were excited. But not official. They were both uncomfortable with that. The question repeatedly showed up in both of there minds
"What are we"

Hope you all liked the first chapter. It was owed for getting to 9 followers. If I can get to 10 I will make another long chapter like this one. Bye

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