We bonded

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No ones POV
P:I need to talk to her I need to apologize. I need to tell her how I feel but how can I when I don't even know how i feel.
Parker heads to Val's house. Parker knocks on the door.
Mrs.Wish heart:oh hello Parker I'm glad your here
Mrs W. well Val came home upset a couple days ago looking down and she hasn't really come out. She won't tell me why
P:maybe I can help
Mrs w: well come right in the boys and Val's father are on a trip so you won't be bothered
P:thank you
Parker walks in to Val's room. But before he does he knocks
V:Mom I said I'm fine just leave me alone
Parker knocks again.
This time Val opens the door
V:I Told you I'm....
Val looks shocked
P:hey Val
V:Parker w...what are um doing here
P: I'm here to apologize
V:oh yeah that I'm sorry
P:it's my fault I was just mad confused and tired because our invention broke and we lost a day of sleep
V:heh it's my fault to I took your joke way to weird
P:i understand
V:I'm just afraid
Parker and Val sit on Val's bed
V:what if we never get back to our timeline
P:what does that mean
V:well you see I haven't just been here sulking because you and I had a little fight. trust me your not that special
P:cut  to the point before we get into another argument
V:ok well I did some research
P:yeah and
V:I found out that we are in an eternal slumber that takes us back in time every time we mess up
P:2 questions. How did we get here and what did we do wrong
V:well we got here because the universe thought something was wrong that we are doing so it sent us into an eternal slumber until we figure it out.
P:do you know what it is
Val blushes and bites her lip
V:umm n..no I don't
P:ok we'll do you have an idea of what it might be
V:no why you ask no I'm dumb I don't know anything I mean no
P:yeah ok
V:so umm now what
P:we figure this out
P:we find out what we did wrong
V:have any idea
P:no I have nothing
V:neither do I
P:well wanna watch TV
P:what do you want to watch
V:promise you won't laugh
V:"star vs the forces of Evil"
P:well when linda and heather ended I needed drama so I started watching it
Parker and Val go to Val's couch and start watching. Val's mom went to a movie with her friend so she wouldn't be home for a couple of hours
10 mins later
V:why can't Marco realize that Star is perfect
P:yeah Jackie doesn't deserve Marco
V: yeah
P:Marco is so oblivious I mean how does he not see star likes him
V:yep he's the oblivious one
P:and star is so awesome how come she can't see that Marco likes her even if he won't admit it
V:Yep she TOTALLY doesn't know it
P:this if fun
V:what is
P:talking watching tv hanging out it's fun
V:yeah I like to I don't have a lot of friends that enjoy watching girly tv shows
P:yeah I get that
V:I like hanging out with you. It's n..nice
P:y...yeah I feel the same way
They feel a flash of light coming toward them and boom they wake up
V:not again
P:wait something is different
P:look at my phone we have gone into a future time line
V:that mean what ever we did we did it right but not exactly right
P:did you research that
Val smiled a perky smile
Parker's mind
Man she is so cute sometimes wait what am I saying. But I did really like hanging out with her staring at her. Watching her smile and laugh and blush. Wait what is this what am I saying. She's my friend. Ok I used to like her but I know she would never be into me. The hand thing was probably just her being nice.
Right? Wait have I been starring this whole time.Oops!
V:your starring at me
P:sorry I zoned out I was thinking
Parker's mind
Yeah thinking about you.
P:umm so is there another way to get rid of this
V:one of the victims needs to find away to disappear forever
V:let's not do that
P:ok so what did we do to go in the future
V:w..we admitted we liked doing stuff we each other and hanging out and s..stuff
P:we bonded

Woah intense. So many questions. Why was Val blushing when her research came up. What will Parker do about his strange feelings. Why was Val pointing out that Marco was oblivious. Guess you will have to read to find out. Also leave a comment on what you think the universe wants Val and Parker to accomplish. Thanks for following me I hit 15 followers. Hope you liked this chapter. Bye

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