Chapter 1

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Mae's conscious awakened, looking around the dream world. Once again, she carried a bat in her hands. Why was she back here? Shouldn't the nightmares stop? She asked herself. Mae walked around, occasionally breaking lights or cars here and there. She was where Bea had brought her to the party Jackie had thrown. Mae walked down the familiar stairs, squinting her eyes at the slightly blinding lights. It wasn't just the place the party took place at, it was the same day. Past Mae and Bea were 'chatting' with those two boys, which their names, Mae could not remember.

"Bea's out in the real world. Not like you college kids." Past Mae says.

"Mae!" Jackie yells, annoyed. Suddenly, everything flashes white and Bea supposedly 'speaks'.

God, Mae... Why do you have to ruin everything?! Stupid shithead!

Bea thought. But Mae's Conscious could hear it. She could hear it loud and clear. Bea never liked her. She thought Mae was someone she had to babysit all the time. This time, Mae got angry. But not at Bea, at herself. She was mad for not noticing the lies around her until now. She was suddenly visible to everyone, and ran up to Past Mae, pouncing on top of her, and beating the eff outta her.

Mae's POV

I awakened with a gasp. Ugh, just a dream... A stupid nightmare. Again. I yawned and stretched, reaching for my boots and, eventually, fitting them on. I opened my laptop and checked my friends' statuses.

B- Hey Mae. At le Ol' Pickaxe. Stop by, why don't you?

G- Hey duders!1 Totally snack falconing rn

Band practice l8r 2day

Sincerely, Guhreggory

I chuckled, standing up, immediately regretting it. A large, high-pitched beep rang in my head, giving me a horrible migraine. I groaned, reaching for the case of headache pills. I took one and rubbed my forehead, feeling the migraine slowly going away. I sighed and thought about the nightmare I had. Bea didn't think of me that way, right...? Right. Of course she liked me. 

I hopped down the stairs and went into the kitchen, hopping on the counter.

"Hey, mom!" I said.

"Hi, sweetie! How are you today?" Mom asked.

"I'm doing okay. Had another nightmare, but it wasn't all weird, like the other ones I told you about." I lied.

"Oh no! Well, I'm sure they'll go away sometime soon." Mom exclaimed, smiling at me. I could tell something was bothering her, though.

"...What's wrong?" I ask.

"Oh, it's nothing, sweetie. It's just... Well, me and your father are going away for a few days, to look for better jobs somewhere else. Now, this doesn't mean we're leaving town, Mae. Just looking for better jobs a bit further away. I'm just worried if you'll be okay." Mom said. My ears flattened.

"Oh. That's fine, Mom. I'll be okay while you're gone. I've got Bea, Gregg, Angus, Germ, Selmers... I'll be fine!" I say, my ears pointing up again, a smile on my face. She sighed, nodding.

"Right. Those great friends of yours. We're leaving tomorrow, by the way." She said, calmly. If I had a drink or something, I would have spit it out right then and there.

"WHAT?!" I yell, throwing my hands in the air.

"Yes, sweetie. We're both off tomorrow and the day after, and we figured that'd be the perfect time to job hunt. We'll be back the night after, though." She states. I sigh, muttering an 'ok'.

"Well, bye sweetie!" She said.

"Bye mom!" I hopped off the counter and headed outside, immediately running happily towards the Ol' Pickaxe. However, before I walked in, I heard Bea talking to herself.

"Ugh, what's taking her so long to get here?! The shithead probably overslept or something. Stupid bitch..." She grumbled. My eyes widened, tears beginning to surface. She was talking about me, wasn't she? Tears ran down my face, and I backed away from the door, running over to the Snack Falcon to hang out with Gregg. I was about to walk inside, but I heard him angrily murmuring, too.

"Man, what a slut! Stupid whore..." He said. My breath hitched, and more tears ran down my face. He was talking about me, too. Of course he was, what was there to like about me? I let out a quiet sob, gaining some people's attention, and ran towards the Food Donkey. I sat down in front of the door and slid down, crying into my knees.

Bea's POV

"Ugh, what's taking her so long to get here?! The shithead probably overslept or something. Stupid bitch..." I grumbled. A worker was supposed to come here and fix the air vents, but of course, she was late. By an hour. I huffed, a puff of smoke blowing out of my nose.

Gregg's POV

"Man, what a slut! Stupid whore..." I exclaimed to no one. Some lady had just tried to hit on me. I tried saying I was in a relationship, but she went to far, and touched the private zone. So, I kicked her out, like, literally. I heard a small, quiet sob, and turned to see Mae, running away, crying for some reason? What happened? Oh well, I'll ask at band practice.

Mae's POV

Stupid life. Stupid 'friends'. Stupid everything. Maybe... Maybe I could go to a party or something. But, Bea wouldn't want to... Not with a shithead like me.

"What's wrong, Mae?" I heard a lazy voice say. I looked up and saw Germ, his eyes lazily glazing down at me.

"Nothing, just... Thinking. Do, uh, do you know if there are any parties or whatever nearby tonight?" I ask quietly. He nods, thinking.

"Yeah. Up in th' woods, just like the one where you first came back. At 8:00 PM." He says, I smile at him.

"Thanks." I murmur. I stand up and walk away.

"Well, I'm heading to band practice. Wanna walk with me?" I ask.

"Nah, got chores to do." I start walking again, and eventually make it into the old Party Barn. Before I entered, I heard Angus speaking.

"What?! What a slut!" He yelled, angrily. I heard Bea and Gregg agreeing with him. More tears fell, and I ripped out a piece of paper from my journal, and wrote down 'Sorry, not feeling good. Can't do band practice 2day. L8ters!' I chuckle silently, rubbing the tears away, and slid it under the door, and ran back home. I opened the door and saw no one there, and a note on the kitchen table. I looked at it, groaning when it read 'Sorry sweetie, our bosses let us have today off, too. We're already gone. Be back in two days!'. I sniffled and went upstairs, deciding to get ready for the party. I grab a black leather jacket that Gregg had gotten me a few days ago. Well, stolen. I put it on, not bothering to button it. I combed my hair, and put on black eyeliner, making it heavy underneath my eyes, like bags. I put on a belt as well, hooking a bat up to it as well. I walked outside, running to the woods, where the previous party when I came back supposedly was. When I got near, I heard chatter and laughter, and froze when I saw three people I did NOT want to see, walking up to me

"Hey, Mae!" Bea, Gregg, and Angus said in unison.

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