Where There is Pain, There is Hope.
She's desperate as she lies
Silent tears she cries
Get out the pain
Wash away the grief
Pouring rain
Beats on me
Walking through the alley
No sunshine ahead
It's clouded with dread
Overcome with the sensation of something metallic, sharp.
A pang of hunger, the pain of a blade.
Whatever helps to distract the pain of the memories.
It may help, but it's doing you harm.
Mentally and Physically.
It never stops.
Write it out, cry it out. Cut it out, starve it out.
These are methods used every day.
By millions of people across the world.
You are not alone. There is help.
Hope is what pushes us.
There is always hope I this world.
True, there is hate. But there is also love.
Don't forget that there are those who will love you
Until their dying breath.
Please. Don't forget that you are beautiful.
Imperfection is better than being fake.
We all have our flaws.
Emo Poetry
Poetry©Copyright all rights reserved. For anyone who needs help, whatever it may be.