Part 5 - Neglected[not] (Smut)

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“You feeling neglected sweetheart?”

The soft pout on your lips and slow shake of your head was positively adorable, and Yoongi really had to try to hold back the smile threatening to come through the straight line his lips held. He was still angry, still a little hurt, but you tugged at his heart strings so easily, made it so hard to not completely give you everything you wanted then and there.

“Maybe you shouldn’t have been such a bad girl then.”

His words were light, like a parent softly scolding their child, and you were quick to grasp onto the wrist of the hand that was clutching your chin, pupils blown with lust and pleading for him to just give up. You noted the way silver strands had fallen into his eyes, his body layered in sweat with swollen lips and a heated expression.

It was almost too much, looking into his eyes that held so many different emotions swirling in their depths. You didn’t have the time nor patience to figure each one out, all you wanted were his hands on your body, mouth breathing oxygen into your burning lungs.

“Please Yoongi, I’m sorry. So fucking sorry. I never meant to hurt you both, I-” You fell short mid sentence, eyes misting up with the threat of oncoming tears.

Yoongi knew he was treading in dangerous waters, he’d never been one for tears, not being able to handle when they would slide down your pretty cheeks. His heart physically couldn’t handle when you cried, and on the not so rare occasion, Hoseok as well.

“Hey,” he leaned down to place a much awaited kiss into your lips, chaste and over before you could even process the feeling of them against your own. “Sweetheart, don’t cry.”

You sniffled, willing the tears back because you hated to act like anything less than your age, especially around the man who was the master of keeping his feelings at bay.

“I need you Yoongi, please.”

You reached out for him, tugging him down until he hovered over you on the bed, Hoseok to your left and watching you both with a satisfied and loving smile lighting up his features. You figured he was probably ecstatic at the way Yoongi was slowly melting back down to your level, close to forgiveness, close to everything being okay once again.

Yoongi laid you back onto the mattress, sitting up on his knees so he could tug the drenched fabric down your legs and toss them over his shoulder, hands spreading you out and tugging you closer. The head of his cock nestled against your opening.

“I’m still hurt.”

His hands were placed on each of your knees, where your legs were bent up and spread out for him. With one hand, he reached down, grasping his cock to teasingly run it over your sex, tapping the head of it against your clit a few times which had you gasping, hands curling into the crumpled bedspread.

“I know.” The words were breathless, barely over the thundering of your heart.

Hoseok scooted himself up, so his body was parallel with yours, head turning to the side to take in your profile, his fingers coming up to tuck away a few stray hairs behind your ear. Your skin was flushed pink, all the way down your neck and chest.
“Stop making her wait hyung, she’s had enough.”

The only thought that crossed your mind, was thank god for Hoseok. The only response you got was a huff from the elder.

His hands removing themselves so he could flip you over onto your stomach, your head slightly dizzy from how fast the room suddenly spun around and Yoongi wasted no time in bringing your hips up, pressing down onto the small of your back so your ass was perched high with your face buried into the blanket.

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