For ExoL

13 0 0

So EXO wore jerseys with different numbers and the thing is, all these numbers adding up will give you the number 1.

Let’s see:

00+61+99+7+88+12+77+10+21+4+94+68 = 541

5+4+1 = 10

1+0 = 1


0+0+6+1+9+9+7+8+8+1+2+7+7+1+0+2+1+4+9+4+6+8 = 100

1+0+0 = 1

So no matter if you add the numbers up digit by digit or number by number, you will end up getting 1, because “We are ONE, we are EXO"


Anyway, if you add up both EXO-K and EXO-M numbers together, you will end up getting 14.

EXO-K: 61+7+88+12+4+94 = 266

2+6+6 = 14

EXO-M: 00+99+77+10+21+68 = 275

2+7+5 = 14

Coincidence much?


EXO-K: 6+1+7+8+8+1+2+4+9+4 = 50

EXO-M: 0+0+9+9+7+7+1+0+2+1+6+8 = 50

50 + 50= 100

100= Perfection

Too much of a coincidence or not?

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