Ch.1 Bryce's party

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I walked through the school doors with my twin brother clay. I'm Lila Jensen. I'm more popular then my brother but I still hang out with my brother a lot at school. Keeping dumb jocks off him. "Hey Lila. Party my house Today?" Bryce asked me. "Sure. Clay you going?" I looked over to my brother who was zoned out staring at Hannah baker. "Clay can't go." Justin said. "If clay doesn't go, I'm not going." I said. "Alright clay can go." Bryce said. "Alright bye guys, bye Zach." I said waving and walking away. "What was that for?" Clay asked. "I like going to parties with you, you make an idiot of yourself in front of Hannah." I said. "Shut up." He said lightly hitting my arm. "Hi guys." Hannah came up to us. "Sup Hannah." I said. Clay gave me that 'go away. I'm gonna talk to her alone' look. "I'm gonna go talk to Tony." I said walking off. I walked up to Tony. "What's up tiny." I said behind him. "Jesus Lila don't scare me like that." He said. "Where's clay?" He asked realizing I wasn't standing next to my brother. "He's talking to Hannah, or you know making out with her." I said. "You know he would be to awkward to even touch her." He said. "True." I said. The bell rang I just waved at Tony and walked to my first period. I sat down at my table. It was biology. I sat next to Zach in the back. "Class today we are working in partners." The teacher said. I looked at Zach. "No, I'm going to be assigning them to you." He said. "Fuck." I mumbled. Zach smiled. "Zach and Jessica. Lila and Montgomery." He said. I looked over at Montgomery and he was giving me an ugh look. I rolled my eyes. We had the cue to all sit together. I walked over to Monty. As soon as I sat down I said. "I'm not doing all the work." He scoffed. "Who said I don't do work." "Zach." I said. "He tells me you text him at 2 in the morning for homework." I told him. "Ok fine I'll do some work." I gave him a look. "Ok I get 25% and you get 75%." He said. I raised an eyebrow. "Ok, 50% 50%." He said. I nodded my head. "Are you going to Bryce's party?" He asked. "Yeah. Are you?" I said. "Yeah." He said. "Maybe, I can drive you there?" He asked. I smiled, "Sure." I didn't know if I liked Monty or not. "Cool." He said. "Let's start working on this." I said. "Yeah." He said.
I was getting ready for Bryce's party. I've had a swimming suit under my dress. I heard a honk outside. I looked out the window and saw Monty. "De La Cruz, you're 15 minutes early." I yelled from my window. "Am I?" He asked scratching the back of his head. "Come inside I still need to finish getting ready." I said. I closed my window and unlocked my door. Soon after Monty walked in. "What do you think?" I asked turning around. "Cute." He said. I smiled. "Let's go?" He said. "Yeah, let me tell clay I'll meet him there." I said. I ran to clays door and knocked on it. I told him I was going to meet him there.
We soon made it to Bryce's party. I was in the jacuzzi with Zach and a chick, Justin and Jessica. Soon after everyone was gone. I was going to get out of the jacuzzi when Bryce said. "Don't leave." He slid his body into the jacuzzi. "No I should be going, I need to see what's up with clay." I said trying to get out. "No." He pushed me back. He grabbed my waist. "Bryce what are you doing?" I asked uncomfortable. He tried to pull down my bottoms. "Bryce don't touch me. STOP!" I yelled. Suddenly Monty came walking around the corner. He ran towards me. "Bryce get off her." He punched him. I ran out of the jacuzzi and fell to the floor crying. "Shh. It's okay. I've got you." Monty said picking me up. "Come on I'm gonna take you home." He tried to set me down, but I was shaking so much once both my feet touched the floor I fell down. "Come on I got you." He put his jacket on me and carried me to his car. "I'm gonna take you home." He said. It was dead silent the whole ride home. Once we arrived to my house he carried me inside. "Oh my god Lila what's wrong?" Clay asked. "Clay, I'm not gonna talk about it today ok." I said quietly. I looked at him he looked hurt. He's really never seen me like this. I don't show my emotions around a lot of people. Monty carried me up stairs. "Do you want to take a shower?" He asked. I nodded. "I'm gonna sit outside the door ok?" He said. "Ok." I mumbled. I locked the bathroom door. Striped and got in the hot shower. I put my head next to the wall and started crying. I got out and dressed tears still running down my cheeks. I walked out and Monty was sitting beside the door. He saw me. "Don't cry, I'm here, I got you. You're ok." He said putting a hand on my shoulder. I laid in my bed. "I'm gonna leave." He said. "Stay, please." I mumbled. "Ok." He whispered. He laid in bed next to me and I buried my head in his chest.
I was running down the street. Bryce chasing after me. I ran into a dead end. He grabbed me by my shoulders and ripped of my dress.
I jumped up. Breathing heavily. Crying. Monty sat up. "Shh. It's ok, it was just a nightmare." He said. I cried in his shoulder. After crying I laid back down. And finally fell asleep.

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