Chapter 2

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while guys! :( I've kinda been depressed lately and not doing much but I'm back! Anywhore, ENJOY!

I woke up with a pounding headache and groaned into my pillow. I. Hate. Life. Today is group therapy where my mom found their website on Funny name.

I got up and stretched my legs out before I hopped into the shower, washing my mangled hair. Once I finshed I changed into jeans and a sweater then headed downstairs.

My parents were already waiting for me in the kitchen. I walked by and made sure they knew I was not happy one bit.

"Did you clean your room Grace?" My dad asked to break the ice. You see I have a huge problem with organizing and my parents know it.

"Yes, I cleaned my room," I snapped. When I say 'I cleaned my room' they know it usually means I made a path from my door to my bed. Silence. Nobody talked after that.

After I ate breakfast my mom decided she'd be a good saint and drive me to my group therapy. It was a long, quiet drive but I didn't mind the silence because I was too busy being pissed off. We pulled up into a small isolated building that had a huge yellow smiley face painted on the front, with the name "Happiness Matters" underneath it. How original.

My mom quickly got out and walked behind me inside to the front entrance hall where a sign in sheet was waiting. She signed my name and wrote out her parent signature. She gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and reminded me, "It's for your own good sweetie."

I begrudgingly walked into the gym where a circle of chairs were already set up and a few kids milled around. No one looked like they wanted to be here, at least I'm not the only unhappy camper.

After about 15 minutes more kids started piling in and the therpaist finally arrived and sat towards the front of the circle. She had a fake smile plastered all over her face when she greeted everybody. Lovely.

"First let me introduce myself. My name is Mrs. Ludwig." Mumbles of Hello Mrs. Luwig traveled throughout the circle and she smiled.

"Good, I would like everyone to introduce themselves. State your name, your age, and what's troubling you. Let's start with the young lad to my right," She beamed.

5 more boring introductions later and I'm picking at my nails because I'm next. Everyone's attention turned to me and I started getting nervous. There gonna think I'm a freak....

"Hi my name is Grace Brown, I'm seventeen, and I'm here because my parents don't appriciate the hilarious child they've been blessed with." Mrs. Ludwig frowned disaprrovingly as the rest of the kids snickered.

The person beside me went next and I could feel a pair of eyes staring me down. I looked around and caught sight of painfully familiar blue-eyes. I did a double-take and looked closer. Why is he so familiar? He quickly looked away and didn't look back the entire session until it was his turn. And he was last.

When it got to his turn I was readily alert to find out more information on him.

"Hello, my name is Luke Murphy, I'm seventeen, I'm at this hell hole right now because I'm accused of having a dirty mind but really I just have a sexy imagination," I heard Mrs. Ludwig sigh and I giggled a little. He must of heard because he quickly looked over at me and smirked. You know how people say they always get butterflies in their stomache? Yea? Well I have giant moths flapping around everywhere.

Mrs. Ludwig ruined the moment. "I know none of you want to be here but this is for your own good, Ms. Brown and Mr. Murphy I'm gonna need to see you two alone."


She ushered Luke and I into her office and left telling us she would be right back.

Well great. This is not going to get awkward. Don't you dare make it awkward Grace!'s awkward.

I looked at the paint-job on the wall and busied myself witht the pattern while he stared at the clock waiting to be released from this prison.

It seemed like hours went by when Mrs. Ludwig finally walked back in and apologized.

"I know why both of you are really here. We have documents of your profiles and what troubles you, as a therapist I'm trying to let children rid themselves of pent up anger, frustrations, or terror. It seems both of you have the similar reasons for being here," She raised her eyebrow while looking at both of our files. Great, now they both know I'm a fruit loop.

"I'm going to dismiss the both of you but I need absolute participation next group lesson. Do you understand how important this is for your health?" She asks and we both nod awkwardly.

"Great," She smiled, "See you next week." Luke got up and practically sprinted out the door while I trudged my way through the gym alone. When I got out the doors I spotted somebody hunched over a bench sobbing.

I ran over and touched their shoulder to see who it was. The person looked up and I was met with those dazzling blue eyes but they were tinged with red. Something stirred inside of me when he looked up. They're the exact same blue-eyes from my night terrors.

"Who are you?" I asked the million dollar question.

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