An Azul visitor

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~huge ass time skip~
Seated in his throne Champagne sighed, his cold eyes staring out into the equally cold abyss of space. His loyal pearl glanced up at him " is something the matter my Diamond? " she asked softly. " I'm just bored my dear pearl. Due the condition of this hand-me-down ship our trip to pinks colony has lasted far longer than I had wanted it to be. " he stated gruffly. Suddenly the cruising ship came to a halt and a peridot came Rushing towards him. She saluted " My Diamond, unfortunately the ships engine has suffered a malfunction " Peridot stated nervously. Champagne just stared down at her, his cold gaze making her fidget slightly. " very well, get to work fixing the problem " he sighed rising from his throne " I am going to retire to my chambers, when my orders are completed send for me. Until then I wish to not be disturbed by anyone, or anything. Is that understood? " he ordered. A collective " yes my Diamond " resonated in the control room.
Champagnes footsteps echoed through the empty corridor as he strode towards his private chambers. His sweet pearl padding quickly beside him, trying to keep up with his strides. He stopped before she had a chance to slow her speed she collided with his ankle. Champagne quickly knelt and scooped her up into his palms " oh my dear pearl are you alright? " he asked eyes softening for a moment. " I'm alright my Diamond " she answered quickly "alright, even though you are a trusted companion I wish to be left in solitude. Is that understood? " he asked her softly "yes my Diamond" she answered while he knelt once more to place her on a large cushion. " Now you stay here and be a good pearl, inform me when the engines are fixed understood? " his voice soft " yes my Diamond " pearl answered with a small smile. Champagne stood and strode into his private chambers, he sighed in relief as he disrobed.
Although gems did not need sleep, Champagne craved it. A relaxed sigh escaped his lips as his bare skin met the softness of his bed. He was half asleep when he heard his chamber door open, he awoke sleep still clouding his mind. " I told you I did not want to be disturbed, wasn't I clear? " he growled sitting up. The other figure in the room had the perfect view of his exposed torso. Champagnes eyes focused and he was met with none other than Blue diamond herself. Champagnes breath caught in his throat as he gathered himself. He composed himself " Blue, to what do I owe this unexpected visit " he glowered. She answered him " I-I came to make amends " Blue pleaded softly. " tell me why I should I trust a being that shattered my insides.....hmm? " Champagne growled "please Champagne....listen " Blue said softly " No, you listen! I-I..I loved you....." his voice faltered. He glared up at her; big fat tears raced down his cheeks " the moment I saw you......when I emerged , I knew my place was " Champagne was sobbing at this point. "But soon after I was casted away, doomed to never find happiness....... And I'm afraid I never will...... " Blue at this point did something he would never had expected, she embraced him. His head rested on her chest as her arms cradled his broad shoulders. Her form loomed over his in a soothing way, for champagne still sat apon his bed. Normally Blue was the tear stained mess of the remaining diamonds, but now champagne was clutching onto her sobs wracking through his body making him quiver in her arms. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he buried his head into her chest as if to hide himself. Blue did not care if his salty tears dampened her dress, she held him humming a soft tune in hopes of calming him.

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