Chapter 5 - Dark Side

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Everybody's got a dark side. Can you love me? Can you love mine? Nobody's a picture perfect. --Dark Side, Kelly Clarkson


I went back to my apartment, and crash down on my couch, fatigue settling into me.

I really hate boys, I muse, as I put on my headphones.

What kind of person is that rude? Didn't his parents teach him any manners? Lord knows how frustrated I am right now.

Through my music, I hear the chime of my clock, ringing 5 times, before quieting down.

5 o'clock already? I didn't even notice that so much time had passed.

But you never really do, until you look back, right?

Ugh, another sad thought.

A wave of nostalgia hits me, and I lean against the wall for support. Believe it or not, emotions affect me too much.

A little too much adrenaline could have me gasping for breath, as it would overwork my heart. Crying a lot always lead to panic attacks. Anger... Well, I'm not that eager to tell what happened the last time I got so angry.

Guess I better eat.... At least that's one thing I get to be happy about.

I open my refrigerator, and stop when I see the insides of it.

Has it always been.... this..... empty?

Oh, right! I didn't buy groceries because I was preoccupied with that guy. Yet one more reason to hate him.

What an ass. Excuse my French, but I am quite cranky, since I didn't get to savor my coffee.

Urgh. I'm so annoyed right now.

I could feel my anger bubbling up, like a ticking time bomb. Just a little more push, and it would explode. I didn't want that.

So I took a deep breath to rein in my emotions.

I check my clock once more. The shop closes in 28 minutes more.... And I my car hasn't arrived yet.

Taking deep, calming breaths.....

I, Fie, and yes, I know that what I have spoken doth rhyme, have come to a very logical conclusion.

The world hates me. It does.

How very "logical" of me, right?

Exercise is something I love, but after all those heavy boxes and cleaning up the apartment, I don't want any more exercise.

But, I have no choice. Also 'cause I'm hungry.

I'm not ordering fast food, as much as I want to. Staying on a strict diet here.

Most dancers are fit like hell. Plus, your body shows how you much you've been working on.

I sigh. There's that word again.


I run out of my apartment, heading towards the nearest convenience store, wherever that was.

Thoughts were swirling in my head, mostly about what the hell I was going to do with my life.

The world is beautiful, yes, but it is also a bleak place.

I know.

I don't even know if there even is a God.

Hell, I don't even know what to believe in!

I miss my parents.

I arrived at a convenience store and entered.

A television was blaring something incoherent to me.

I picked out some food to last me for a few days. They were mostly chips and cup noodles.

I can't cook to save my life.

"-the famous YouTube sensation was sighted at California. According to her fans, she interacted with them for a while, then just took off."

I turned my head to the blaring television and had to stop myself from gasping out loud.

A picture of me with a fan earlier was being shown on the screen. I hurriedly paid for my food, then went out of the store as fast as I could.

My mind was swirling with thoughts.

How and why? Do they want to torment me? I've already said my goodbyes. I don't want things to go back to the way it was before.

As I was thinking of the many possibilities of why I had to be shown on the news (aside from the fact that I was a popular YouTube sensation before), instead of someone getting hit by a car.

My eye catches a poster of a boy smiling at the camera, dimples out, all the while offering and ice cream. Acting like you're so innocent.

I rip the poster off the wall and tear it into shreds, stomping on whatever part floats onto the ground.

I turn and head away from the mess I created. Just another one I need to add to the list I need to clean up.

My shoulder collided with someone else's as I went out from the store.

I mumbled an apology, kept my head down but eyes up.

I was surprised to see the person I had bumped into.


Although I wasn't totally over what he did to me, I couldn't cause a scene now. Not when I was making my great escape.

I moved to pass him, when he grabbed my arm.


I looked up to see his eyes boring into mine and I had to suppress a swoon. Dem baby blue eyes.

Baby, baby blue eyes! Kidding.


I silently gulped as his eyes swayed to the television inside then back to me. A smile creeped onto his face, and it wasn't a nice one.

Oh, supercalifragilisticespialidoucious.

I turned and ran away.

I ran until I reached my apartment.

Running doesn't always mean you're cowardly. Sometimes, it's the bravest thing to do.

But not in this case.

I'm safe, right?

But life never does intend things to go my way.

I tell you that, when I peeked out of the keyhole and saw the guy ringing my doorbell.

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