Chapter 7 huge party

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Briana's POV
I was throwing a huge party tonight my dad and uncles were going out so I took that chance to throw a awesome party even know I was still grounded but who cares.I got dress into short shorts and a crop top people started to arrived I'm surprise Victoria showed up she said "who are you?" I said "what do you mean I'm Briana ." She said "you've changed a lot just because you're Harry styles daughter doesn't mean you can act like a bitch." I said "I'm sorry but I've been through so much shit that I don't give a shit anymore and you should know that." She said "you're leading your self down a really bad Path." I said "I'm having fun leave me alone."

Then the one person I never wanted to see again or actually make that two people which are zack and James walked in and zack said "what happened to you?" I said "you did now get out of this house." He said "people said this party is lit which it is so I'm staying you can't kick me out of here." I said "it's my party and my house so yes I can kick you out of here." He walked away, Nicole came over to me looking guilty and I said "what did you do?" She said "I invited some celebrities and they brought friends so your uncles are here." I saw the 5sos boys I said "of course their here someone please give me a shot like now."

Then a Waitress walked by with shots I took about 3 of them then Uncle Ashton walked over to me and sighed and said "I'm not going to even try anymore you don't listen to a word we say I give up on you you do you it's your life."I said "I do I just chose not to take your advice because it's my life and I can do what I want and fine give up on me like I care a lot of people have."Uncle Calum said "we're trying to save your life I guess you don't want saving have fun." That hit me hard but I said "I'm fine I won't do anything that I regret I have no regrets."

Then I did more shots and smoked weed and did a lot of other stuff my dad came home with my uncles and everyone was still there he turned off the music and kicked everyone out I said "you don't have to lecture me I already know what you're going to say I'm grounded until you un ground me and I have to clean this whole house until it's spotless." He said "yeah that's basically what I was going to say and to leave this house because I feel like I can't control you anymore and you're just out of control at this point there's nothing more we can do we've done everything we could do you just don't listen we don't have anything more to say to you."I said "fine I'll leave and I'll never come back then have a great life boys I guess I can't trust anyone." I went up to my room and packed a bag and left. I knocked on Nicole's door she answered and said "he kicked you out didn't he." I said "yeah but I don't care this is my life now." She said "my parents are never here so you can stay as long as you want want the throw another party." I said "hell Yeah." We then through another party during this party I wasn't feeling well at all the last thing I saw was Nicole then I passed out on the floor. I woke up the next morning in Nicole's room I walked down stairs her mom said "you got to be careful when you do all of that you took that way to far last night." I said "I'm I just had a bad night so that's why I went over bored which I regret now." She said "how long are you staying?" I said "as long as I can if it's possible." She said "yeah that's fine with me you know we love you." And hugged me I smiled and said "at less you guys still do."I said while looking at my coffee Nicole sighed and said "I know this is hard for you but you decided not to listen to them and you drove them to their breaking point." I nodded and said "yeah cause I thought I could handle it I learned I can't I feel so gulity now".

Then her hot brother came down shirtless he smiled at me and I smiled at him he said "I knew you would come for me." Nicole rolled her eyes and  said "she got kicked out of her house you idiot her dad didn't want her anymore." He said "that's a sign that she does want me but I'm sorry he kicked you out that sucks." I said "it's whatever I guess." Nicole rolled her eyes I took a shower and got dress I did my hair and then we started our day I knew today was going to be a long day for me since what happened last night.

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