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Hey guys!

Okay, so this is my first ever fanfic and I'm really super excited to finally post it!  This is a Niall story, but don't worry, all the boys will be present.  This story is kind of like my baby right now, it's very near and dear to my heart so please be honest but gentle in your critiques.  The main character is based off of my best friend so you'll just have to picture her based off of the in-text description!  Also, I think I should probably make this clear now: this friend does not have cancer or any such condition.  The reason why the character is based off of her is due to a long-running joke between us.  Nothing more.  Anywho, although my writing style can be narrative and sarcastic, the themes and subjects aren't always as humorous.  There will be delicate topics touched upon, pretty much from the start, so let that serve as a warning if you're not looking for that type of story.  I do do my research about the conditions I write about, but if you feel that I have made a mistake or misrepresented something, please, please do not hesitate to message me and let me know!  Okay, I feel like this has been a really long note so I'll go ahead and post the first chapter now!  Enjoy!


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