Chapter 4

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Hello lovelies! So, here is chapter four!  Since I didn't get a response about the songs, I'm just going to post a few anyway! Ha! So here we go!

The Darkest Side-The Middle East

Knee Socks-Arctic Monkeys (this has nothing to do with the story, it's just a good song)


*Eliza's POV*

 Our moms lead Sam and me through the slowly dispersing crowd to the side-doors that lead back stage.  It takes a few minutes to show the security guards our passes and have them scanned through the system, but eventually we are free to go through.  One of the guards escorts us down a long cement hallway and around the corner to a door marked “Group Meeting”.

He pushes the door open and beckons us all into the room already filled with a few dozen girls, all of which are talking excitedly over one another and taking constant pictures on their phones.  They’ve formed into a long line that stretches across the room to a table where five vacant chairs are set up.  We join the line in the very back just as the door on the far side opens up and One Direction enters the room.

You’d think that after a three hour concert filled with nonstop screaming, singing, and hysterical crying I’d be used to high pitch frequencies.  Turns out I’m not.

Every girl in the room immediately starts jumping up and down, screaming, and trying to get a better view of the five international superstars who are now taking their seats at the table separating them from the overly excited group of females.

Me on the other hand?  I suddenly feel the need to lose my Panera all over the ground.  Now don’t worry, it’s nothing to do with it.  I’m just nervous as hell, okay?  These guys are kind of only a lot famous and I’d really rather not make a fool of myself in front of them.  Not that it will really matter considering they won’t remember anything I say by tomorrow morning…

Wow, that’s depressing.

My hands itch to pull my journal out and drown my nerves in black ink, but I know Sam will give me that look and tell me I’m going to miss something if I have my nose in a book while One Direction is in the room.  Maybe it’s for the best anyway since I can’t even begin to order my thoughts enough to write something coherent.

The line slowly inches forward as the boys sign hands and faces, take pictures, and meet their adoring fans.  Yeah, I get that some of these girls are crazy and way over the top, but I can’t help but feel a little sympathy for them as well.  They’ve dedicated days and weeks and months to reaching this moment and now it’s finally here.  Anybody would be excited.

Sam and I begin to pass the time talking to each other and giggling over the reactions of each girl as they meet a member of the band.  Our favorite moment is when a girl actually lunges across the table to kiss Zayn on the lips.  His face is absolutely priceless as the security guards escort her out of the room with her beet-red mother.  Sam has tears in her eyes from laughing so hard until another girl attempts to do the same to Harry.  Then it’s me who can’t stop laughing as the smile melts off Sam’s face to be replaced with a look that could peel paint.

The queue continues to shrink at a snail’s pace until we are finally only a few spots back.  My heart is beginning to thud uncomfortably in my chest and my palms are beginning to sweat.  Sam keeps chewing on her lip, a nervous habit of hers that her mother is forever trying to break.  With each step we take closer to the table, the nervous pit in my stomach grows bigger and threatens to swallow my insides.

At last, we are second in line as the girl who was flirting desperately with Harry is finally firmly dismissed.  I hear Sam let out the breath she had been holding and set her shoulders back.  I can’t decide if she looks like she’s about to run a marathon or walk the plank.  Suddenly, before she makes her way over to Harry, she turns to me, grabs my head with both hands and plants a kiss on the crown of my waves, saying, “I love you, but I’m going to go get me some of that fine Cheshire ass now.”

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