Who are we really?

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Medaka didn't really know what to expect of a void protest. She wanted answers, who was she? She wanted to find herself. But the thousands here wanted the same thing.

She wove in and out of the crowds of voids. Some were easily identifiable as voids, with defects on the face and body. Missing limbs, life support. Some had been tested on, some had been damaged by humans. That must be why they were here.

Medaka, however, was certainly surprised by some of them. Innocent mothers holding their children at the sidelines, wordless.
She saw one mother with a baby in one hand and a sign in the other. Her face looked broken. Not physically. Her sign read
'They killed my first child. Resist'

Medaka recognised a few faces. That teenager that always stood at the bus stop glaring at anyone who went near him.
The local butcher, with his red round smiling face.
The librarian, holding a banner with the words 'resist, resist, resist'
And countless others.

Were they waiting for something? Was this it? Medaka was getting ready to leave, trying to escape the crowd when the grenades hit.

All I can hear is screaming, my god, he's dead. So is she, and... oh... They're all dying. I have to escape. Get out of here.

Medaka was running, until she saw the mother with the sign and the baby lying on the ground. She lay motionless. Pale, white face. The baby was screaming. Medaka ran to the baby. The woman grasped onto the child, as she tried to form words.
"Take... him. Away... away. Save... him."
She met Medakas eyes.
"Keep him... safe. Don't let him know... that... he's a shadow... I love him..."
Medaka was speechless. He was a shadow? She couldn't raise a shadow!
"His name... Chiyo."
And then she died. She was gone. Medaka looked down at the baby's innocent face, and could've stayed like that forever if it wasn't for the grenade a few meters from her that got her back into action. She had to leave.

Running from the protest with Chiyo in her arms, she had no idea what else to expect.

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