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(Your point of view)

"Demons..." I heard a voice say. I frantically looked around the room, in hopes of finding the source of the sound. But, as luck would have it, I didn't find it. "You have past demons..." I could start running. Running in any directions. However, I could bump into the source. It's a risk I had to take. I started running into the blackness. "You decided to ignore it instead of accepting it..." I felt something breathing down my neck. I turned around and stumbled backwards. A black, cloaked figure loomed above me. Note to self: bad idea. Next time run in circles. Running in circles is good and doesn't get creepy people walking up behind you.

"You ignored me..." the voice continued. It removed it's cloak. I could not believe my eyes. "You didn't want to accept it, so you pretended it never happened. That way, you don't have to worry. Don't have to be sad," the voice of my... dead mum told me. Past demons... "But you never moved on. You shut the world out. You trapped yourself and locked away all emotions. They were only brought out by joining Fairy Tail. And meeting that boy." I started to crawl backwards. This was... unnerving. I guess this is what water-make comrades makes people feel.

"You learned to love again. Yet, you can never truly move on..." she paused for a moment and made advanced towards me. I opened my eyes and found myself staring in a vanity mirror - my mother standing behind me. "Until you accept my death." Accept her death? I don't understand. She died and I got over it. "You never got over it. It's in the back of your mind. You chose to forget not to accept." She placed her hands on my shoulder and leant into my ear. "Where is your mother?" She asked me. "Behind me," I whispered.

"Where is your mother?" She pressed on. "Dead," I replied. "Where is your mother?" She questioned. I sighed. I touched my cheek and noticed I was crying. I looked into the vanity mirror and saw tears streaming down my face. "Underground, rotting." I sobbed. My mother nodded. "Why is your mother their?" She inquired. "I don't know," I murmured. "Why is your mother their?" She repeated. "Dad was possessed by something... and... it made him kill you," I responded. She nodded again in approval. "How is your mother here now?" She asked. "Because I need to accept her death," I muttered. "Where will she be?" She inquired.

What does she mean by that? When I accept it, won't she just go away to her grave? Be in her grave, stay in the grave and never leave the grave. But... if I accept it... she doesn't have to be there. She doesn't have to be underground. She doesn't have to be marked by a stone and she doesn't... never will be forgotten again. Never again. I won't lock her away no more. No more. I put my hand on my mother's. "In my heart," I told her. She smiled and some tears roll downed her face. Her body started disappearing. "That's... that's my good little girl. Go get him," she whispered before my mum disappeared quickly.

I felt myself being hugged tightly by something. "Shhhhh... I told you. I forgive you for kidnapping my friends... I forgive you. You've changed," I heard the usherings of a familiar voice in my ear. I opened my eyes and looked up. Natsu... I wiped away my tears and put my hands on his shoulders. "Sorry... let's dance," I told him. He smiled and started to dance. "Never knew a pink pyro could be so fancy," I mocked. "Never knew a water wizard could drink punch," he teased. I rolled my eyes and let out a small laugh. "Punch and water aren't the same thing," I told him. "Theyre similar," he joked. Good old Natsu...

Alright so sorry that a. This is a short chapter and b. That this is the end of the sequel. Shorter than usual, ik but its done. It's done and dusted. Thanks for reading

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