Bad Dreams

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Day in day out, I see everything others cant. I see people that have past on or not even born yet. I hear the voices talking to me and I talk back to them like a normal person would but for some reason, I'm a psycho. I was never taught to be one, I was just born this way. Some call it a gift and some call it a curse, me? Its a lifestyle. Some voices help me better than others but most tell me to die because I'm a disgrace to human kind and that being 'normal' is the only way... you don't understand what its like until you've tried it (that's what she says.) So there I am laid curiously at my plain, white ceiling and spinning my fidget spinner hoping there is an answer for all this mess I've some how created.

Then it happened. The voices come back and tell you these things 'its not worth this' 'the only freedom is death', ain't always great having these but there's some good voices so knock it off. I start my new year of senior year tomorrow and no one knows this dark, mysterious secret of mine and that's the way its going to stay, permanently! My vision became blurry as I sit there mindlessly watching the toy spin for minutes on end. My mum, dad, brother or sister cant hear them, its so lonely being the only one and I guess that's how its going to be. Forever. Stuck in this empty void of depressing thoughts and contradicting whether death is the only option or not.

I just hope one day, some day, this curse will end! The voices will go so I can be a normal teen again. The happy one that mum used to sit and talk for hours about friends gossip about who fucked who, the one who made sure that has witty commentary about a situation which is 8 times out of 10 serious and the one who was always there for her best friend, even in her final moments... and... and...ITS MY FAULT SHES GONE, GONE FOREVER AND I WANT TO SEE HER JUST TO TALK TO HER AND HUG HER ONCE MORE!

There's a bright, white light appeared out of oblivion. "Honey, its time to get up for school".

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