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Peters P.O.V

I watched as she almost sprinted down the path, away from me, I could feel her responses on a spiritual level, she's was cold inside, I felt that heavily.

When she told me that she didn't care what I did, she meant it, she knows I could've killed her, but she didn't care in a sense. When I look in her eyes, I can see her loneliness, her pain, like mine.

I've always felt a strange pull to her, ever since my shadow brought her here, I can't put my finger on the answer as to why I'm drawn to her. maybe it's her brilliance, the way she can surprise me constantly, leave me breathless with her knowledge of vocabulary for her age. Or maybe it's her realization of how cruel the world is, she isn't naive to believe that the world is a good place, she knows it's a terrible place of downward spirals and constant pain.

Or it's the fact that me and her are so much alike it infuriates me, she has my will of being free-spirited and careless, death doesn't frighten her in the slightest. all traits of myself.

She shares another personality like me that I do not care to admit, we both share the same loneliness, that emptiness and pain we have both been through, but I dare not say it to anyone.

I turned back around towards the cliff and closed my eyes, thinking of skull rock, thinking of the hourglass that determined my life and when I opened my eyes again, I was standing infront of said hourglass.

I started to walk towards the hourglass when I noticed something that stopped me in my tracks. A sudden pain in my chest that shot through my body, knocking me to my knees.

I yelped out as I hunched over, clutching my chest and I reached into chest and pulled out my heart as that pain continued to surge through me. I opened my eyes from squeezing them together from pain to see that my heart had grown darker, the small light that was in the centre was getting smaller, if something is to happen with Ophelia, it better happen soon.


Ophelia's P.O.V

I continued to walk back to camp, a little happy that Pan hadn't followed me, I took my bottom lip into my thumb and index finger and twisted slightly, another habit of mine when I think, almost like chewing my nails. I wasn't exactly thinking about anything I was just in serenity, I was calm.

I continued to walk down the path when I heard a twig snap behind me, I whipped my head around to see a boy standing a few feet away from me, his cloak hung down almost to his feet, his hood covering the upper portion of his face, and his patched clothing was just like any other lost boy,

"Why the hell are you following me?" I asked him, raising my voice so he could hear me. I heard him chuckle slightly and say

"Well aren't you a ray of sunshine?" I could hear the sarcasm drip off his tongue.

"You think that's bad, I'd suggest you answer my question before I cut out your sarcastic tongue." I snarled, quickly squaring down and grabbed a sharp rock that sat next to my foot.

I heard him click his tongue and then he took a few steps closer to me, causing me to grip the rock tighter. He pulled back his hood to reveal his face, he had curly, shaggy black hair and slightly bushy eyebrows, he had very dark eyes and multiple scars on his face, his jawline protruded out of his neck, he looked quite fierce, wolf like almost.

"So your the new girl, I was told by a few of my buddies about what you did to Ulmer last week, they made you sound so badass I just had to see the girl myself, and now I get why Pan likes you so much, your almost like the female version of him, not that that's a good or bad thing." He spoke, slightly tilting his head as I scoffed

"I'm Byran by the way, so you can like, drop the rock I'm not here to fight." He said taking another step forwards and he stuck out his hand. I contemplated taking it for a moment but out of kindness, I did (A/N- Byran is Jake T. Austin )

I dropped the rock and then I shook his hand and said "I'm Ophelia, Ophelia Venora."

I turned around and continued to walk back to camp but Byran caught up to me and started another conversation

"So how long have you been here?"

"A little over a week what about you?"

"Hmmm, maybe over 60 years, I'm not sure I lost count." I looked at him with shock, if he's only been here for 60 years then how old is Pan, oh lord I thought.

"So do you like it here?" He asked

"I guess, besides the incident with Ulmer and cage, it's been good, Pans been nice."

When I finished speaking, Byran scoffed and said

"That's surprising, considering that if any other of the lost boys broke one of the rules he would rip their heart out and kill them, it's happened many times before. Pan is ruthless."

"Well he can kill me or do whatever, I honestly don't care." I said as we entered the clearing where camp was

"Why do you say that?" He asked, I could feel his eyes on me.

"Because I simply have nothing to live for." I replied , looking down.

Before he could reply our conversation was interrupted by whooping and hollering from the boys as they surrounded a bolder that sat on the edge of camp, they seemed excited but for what? I looked at Byran with the what's going on? And he just smirked and said

"This is gunna be fun." And he walked over to the rest of the boys when Pan appeared on top of the bolder with a smirk planted on his face. Oh joy.

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