Fresh meat

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Arestania POV

Running for my life is all I've seen to do. And that's what I'm doing now. Being followed by a Cyclops isn't the best thing in the world. Now before I tell you how I got into this shit I'll tell you more about my past. You see I am the daughter of Ares. The god of war, bloodshed, and violence. You might think I'm violent and well your right. But not everything is about war and violence.

So my dad came into this world and fell inlove with my mother Julia. My mom said that my dad never wanted to leave me. He cried when he had to leave. I guess leaving your 6 month daughter isn't the easiest thing to do. My mother was only 23 at the time so she eventually found someone else. Cam, my moms husband, and my mother got married when I was 6. I thought he was okay.

Until I found out he abused my mom. He hit her and made her not eat food for days. I intervened one day and the abuse got to me. I started to learn boxing and kick boxing Incase he tried anything I could defend myself.

When I was 15 my mother decided I was to leave. She heard Cam saying to his friends that I was to much of a pain in the ass and he will kill me and say it was an accident. Since he was a lawyer no one would suspect him.

So my mother packed my things, gave me all her savings and told me to run where I can. I ran to the woods. Then I found Camp half bloods. I went through the shield without knowing there was one. After that I founded out I was Ares daughter and from then on I trained and trained. I am sometimes moody and unreliable but I get it from my dad people say, they also say I look like him. But ever since I escaped I haven't seen my mother.

Now, I am in this crazy situation of being chased by a cyclops because I went for a walk outside the camp and well it saw me. Now I'm with athremite(name of her sword) trying to defend my self and run. You see I'm the strongest in the camp. Annabeth can't even beat me. So I run pretty quick. I run through the shield and tried to catch my breath. The cyclops pounded on the force field and went away.

"Arestania Moon what did you do?!" Chiron yelled. A crowd forming around us.

"Erm well I just went for a walk and it found me. Oops?" I smiled innocently. everyone else laughed.

"I don't have time for this Are!" Chiron left. Annabeth came and high fived me.

"nice going girl. you out ran the Cyclops" She smiled then left to trained....again. Everyone left and I headed to my cabin that I shared with Annabeth. My side of the cabin was filled with Justin Bieber posters that i managed to keep. Plus I have an iPod. That's all, lame isn't it?

I laid down on my bed while the intercom turned on.

"Everyone gather at Battle Ground. Thank you"

"Fuck my life right now" I got up and headed to the battle ground. Everyone was gathered around Chiron. What the hell is this about?

"Now students you are probably now wondering why you are here right? Well..." He signaled someone to come over to him. He was breathe taking. Everything about him was perfect. Chiron kept talking while I was in a trance. But then my stomach started hurting, so much I screamed but I hid it. Annabeth noticed and took me to the infirmary.

"You alright?"

"Yea Annabeth my stomach hurting like hell is okay" I said with sarcasm.

"Well don't get your panties in a twist. Damn I was just asking. Now I need to go train. Hurry I don't want you missing capture the flag" she said and smiled running off to train.

Another cramp came in and I screamed.

"Ok sweetie lets take a look shall we?" Marabeth checked everything and she said I was good. She couldn't find out about the cramps so she just have me medicine.

I ran to put on my armor. I got my athremite that my dad gave me and and my shield that can't be destroyed by anything, another gift my dad sent me. I know my dad is watching me because well he talks to me.

(*this means a god or goddess is talking to her)

* I will always be here for you Arestania

I smiled and ran to meet Annabeth.

"hey Are! Your just in time! The new boy is playing. We get to beat some fresh meat today!!" She smiled and went into her original spot. I climbed up a tree where I always hid and wait for Luke to appear. That dumbass always comes through here and get beaten by me.

"Wait where are we going!?" I heard. I jumped down and saw the new boy and Luke. I held up my athremite and swung at Luke.

"Go find the flag I'll handle this!" Luke said and swung his sword at me which I blocked with my shield. I kicked his ankle and he fell on the ground, his sword flung into the air so I catched it and aimed in at him.
"Fine you win...again"

I rolled my eyes and started walking towards the flag. The new boy didn't stand a chance against Annabeth. As I arrive I see the new boy on the ground and Annabeth smirking. I rushed over to help but Annabeth grabbed my arm. Annabeth knows I have a power to heal someone when injured. My dad is the god of bloodshed but when someone he loves gets hurt he can heal them. I don't know why but he can and it was passed on to me.

I look back at the new boy and he was standing up. The water had healed him. He's the son of Poseidon. He knocked over some idiots who tried to get to him and grabbed our flag. Annabeth stomped her leg and left. She doesn't get beaten often. Everyone was cheering over the boy so I decide to meet him.

They put him down and I walk towards him, everyone left. I don't really talk to people and if I do I don't make good impressions.

"Hey I'm Arestania Moon Daughter of Ares but you can call me Are" I smile and put my hand out for a handshake.

"H-hey I'm Percy Jackson son of Poseidon but just call me Percy" he smiled and shook my hand.

"So you just found out about being Posedions son?"

"Yea. When did you?"we started walking to where his cabin was located.

" when I first came through the shield they explained it to me. Plus I had this shield but I thought it was a toy or something" he laughed and I almost died right there, his laugh was beautiful.

"Well I better get going Percy. I'll see you at the camp fire?"

"Yea bye Are" he smiled and went into his cabin.

There is something about that boy that attracts me to him....

Hope you guys liked this! I did xD

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