A cat that likes cheese

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      The legend says that she walks in the club when it is most crowded and leaves as the suns comes up. Sometimes she picks up men to come home with; strong type, weak type, tall type, short type or rich type, poor type, it does not seem to bother her. As long as she is in mood, you can move in; but if she is not in mood, you are going to have a bad time. That is why she is neither a lady nor a slut. She is, as everyone called, N.   

      Why is N a legend of the Nightlife? No-one knows. Maybe because of her taste of cocktail, her way of taking over the dance floor or her beauty. N's beauty is surely a topic to talk about. She is not the most beautiful girl in the club. She does not have big eyes, tall nose or full lips and yet, every normal parts of her face put together is enough to make any guy has double take when he walks pass her. Her golden hair, not blond, completely golden, shiny like captured sunlight, only adds more to her stunning appearance.

    Josh is one of those guys. First time in the Nightlife but not a newbie in this playground, Josh is confident his both his look and his hook: the money. Josh scans the room as soon as he walks in and his heart skips a beat when he sees the sunlight in the middle of his long night.  

Who is that babe over there?, Josh asks the bartender

Hands off, tiger, says the bartender, the queen is not in mood today

How can you tell?

She's standing, not dancing. Her head nods only when she is on the dance floor.

Know what?  I would love to buy her a drink... a French 75 with gin base  

Suit yourself sir.

     The bartender walks toward N and hands her the drink. She smells the drink then holds it high under the dim light. Josh also holds his glass up, looks at her and nods with his charming smile. N puts the glass down, untouched. She heads toward the dance floor. On the other side of the floor, a man does the same thing.

  If N ever knows who Josh is and if Josh ever knows who N truly is, none of them would have done anything that they are planing right now and is happening in 3 more hours in Josh's room. But for now, let's say they are having a great night. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2014 ⏰

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