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"Evelyn!" Ashton yelled from the living room.

Evelyn ran in from the kitchen. "What? What is it?" She asked, looking around the room.

"Look outside."

Evelyn leaned against the window, next to Ashton. She looked between the flaps of the blinds, and cursed.

"Oh, shit. Ugh, I hate New York."

Nearly a foot of snow covered the ground, and the air was thick with snowflakes still coming.

"Yeah," Ashton said passively, biting his lip. He switched on the TV and turned to the weather channel.

"Alright, well since we're done with our little tutoring session, I'll just leave." Evelyn pulled on her jacket, and was about to open the front door when Ashton stopped her.

"Wait, Evelyn."

Evelyn turned towards Ashton, who was staring at the TV. Her eyes caught it as well, and she groaned.

The words MAJOR BLIZZARD TO HIT NORTHERN NEW YORK scrolled over the top of the screen.

"Well, I guess I better get home before it hits." Evelyn said with a sigh, turning once again to go out the door. She opened it, but almost immediate Ashton jumped up and slammed it shut.

"Hey, what was that for?!"

Ashton ignored the question. "How far away do you live?"

"Like, half an hour. It's way out in the country."

"You can't go home."

"What do you mean, I can't go home?" Evelyn asked, putting her hands on her hips.

"I mean, you can't go home. The blizzard is only supposed to get worse, and the news is advising to stay off the roads."

Evelyn rolled her eyes. "I'll be able to handle it. It can't get that much worse before I get home." She reached for the door handle, but Ashton grabbed her wrist.


"Evelyn, look, I've lived here for two years now, but you've only been here a month. No offense, but you're kind of clueless about how weather around her works. I'm not. This happened last year. One second, everything was fine. It was snowing, and everyone was so excited to go and build a snowman, but not ten minutes later we thought the world was gonna end; it was snowing so hard we couldn't even see outside, and the power went out. Besides," he glanced out the window "it looks like it's already too deep to drive in."

"Fuck," Evelyn whispered.

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