Chapter 2

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Not a soul roams the valley when the moon rises into its place in the sky, only Theron walks, slow and casual, without a care in the world. It is almost as if he is part of the shadows, his dark cloak covers himself and allows him to blend in with the darkness. Theron walks without fear, because he has none. His own life means nothing to him; he has become a hollowed shell of a man. There is nothing the creatures can do to him, maybe kills him, but that will just mean his suffering will finally be over.

Theron does have one fear though, not for himself, but for Ellie. His greatest fear, a fear that tempts each and every day to drive him insane, is that she will finally realize that he is not the great man she has set him out to be. She loves him, but he cannot figure out why. They will never be together, there is too much against them, and yet she does not seek love elsewhere, she has given her heart to him. She is the only light that shines in his life, when he sees her, his body fills with warmth. Her smile always puts a smile on his face, she gives him life.

Theron makes his way up a stoned path leading to the two story Alucer home. From the window, Theron notices Ellie peek out, after she does, the red oak door swings open. She runs out to him, he can do nothing but take her into his arms. He can feel the warmth of her body and the beating of her heart against his chest. He closes his eyes as he pulls her in closer. The scent of jasmine and lilies meets his nose, it engulfs him. Reluctantly he lets her go, but the warmth of her body remains with him. They hold each others gaze for a second longer, and then enter the home.

They enter into a large waiting room, and then move into the dining room. Where there is a large rectangular table, with six oak chairs around it. Seated at the head of the table is a large man, with a trimmed black beard and long black hair tied at the nape of his neck. His eyes are light blue and twinkle in the right light. He is wearing the simple dress of the village, light cotton pants and a light shirt; he has on a blue cloak lined in green silk. Next to him is a small girl, about the age of fourteen, she is like Ellie, only she has blonde hair. She has brown eyes like Ellie’s, deep and dark. The man at the table is Ellie’s older brother; the head of the village, Norman, and the girl is Carolyn, her younger sister.

Norman stands quickly and embraces Theron, who winces slightly at the unwanted contact from Norman.

“Come, sit, Ellie has prepared quite a meal. We would be honored to have you at our table, friend.” Norman ushers Theron to a place at the table, he motions to Carolyn, who stands and brings in an additional plate for Theron. He looks down at the food set before him; it is some sort of meat with vegetables and potatoes. He pushes the plate away instantly.

“I am not hungry, it looks wonderful, but my appetite is betraying me. I would not be able to keep this down.” Theron grimaces as the smell of the food makes the nauseous feeling come back. He uses all of his will just to keep from getting sick.

“Are you sick?” Ellie leans over Theron, worried, and places her soft hand over his forehead. “Your head is not hot, why don’t you go lie down, we will take care of you. Carolyn, go bring me some broth for Theron.” Before Carolyn can get up, Theron throws up his hand in protest.

“Please, I need nothing. I am not sick, only a small stomach problem I believe, it’s probably from the herbs I have been eating. You don’t need to make a fuss over me, Ellie, I am fine.” Theron adds a certain amount of an amorous tone to Ellie’s name that Norman looks up from his food and eyes Theron suspiciously. He watches as Theron's gaze lovingly follows Ellie, as she walks to the kitchen.

“Theron!” Norman says almost angrily, snapping Theron out of his trance on Ellie. “What has brought you to my home this late at night, are you that brave to walk around when the mists of evil take hold of our peaceful village?”

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