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:FeralStar broad handsome grey ginger Tom all white paws Amber/green eyes (TwitterPaw) (life's:4 **In the great battle he lost many life's he is suffering and close to dying**)
:LizardHeart brave pretty she-cat with white muzzle and black stripes unusual different coloured eyes blue and brown (QuickPaw)
:BrightFeather quick handsome Tom muscular white fur with grey flecks and long brown stripe down his back blue eyes (BerryPaw)
:ThrushSong beautiful she-cat grey fur white tail and paws and muzzle Amber/blue eyes
:GarterSnake muscular Tom fluffy fur brown fur with white stripes brown eyes (LepoardPaw)
:PlantEar small Tom with large scars across his face grey Tom with white front paws (WoodPaw)
:EarthQuake large Tom with a large white stripe on his underbelly ginger fur and grey flecks blue/green eyes
:BudTree beautiful small she-cat with brown flecks and grey fur Amber eyes (SunPaw)
:WoodPaw fluffy brown Tom white underbelly and ears full of energy blue eyes (PlantEar)
:LepoardPaw dappled she-cat broad white muzzle and grey paws Green eyes (GarterSnake)
:BerryPaw brown Tom with Amber fur white spots dark blue/brown eyes (BrightFeather)
:QuickPaw swift grey Tom with white streaks dark grey paws and ears bright green eyes (LizardHeart)
:TwitterPaw Black shorthair she-cat white paws and stripes with dappled coat of brown unusual twitchy paws dark brown eyes (FeralStar)
:SunPaw muscular ginger Tom with bright flame coloured stripes Amber/brown eyes (BudTree)
:LongQuail long tabby she-cat white speckled fur (Expecting EarthQuake's kits) bright blue eyes
:AmberFang young pretty tabby she-cat with tilted ears grey eyes (QuietKit and RaspKit)
:QuietKit pretty tabby she-kit with white wavy stripes and Amber flecks brown/blue eyes
:RaspKit shaggy grey Tom-kit with brown patches over eyes green brown/grey eyes
:CraveStar small old Tom with many scars grey fur formerly leader but retired

:StoneStar large grey Tom with bristle brown tips on top fur Stone Grey eyes (Life's:9 **Just became Leader**)
:LightHeart pretty cream she-cat with bright white paws and underbelly yellow eyes
:GreyFur grey small tabby Tom with white ears brown eyes (SnapPaw)
:ScarFoot muscular white Tom with brown stripes twisted front paw stone/blue eyes (WiltedPaw)
:LeafDeer small brown tabby she-cat bright Amber/yellow eyes (FallPaw)
:ToneRock handsome grey Tom with white flecks brown eyes
:FeatherDance large pretty she-cat gloomy blue eyes
:SnapPaw fluffy brown tom with snapped front paw dusky brown eyes
:WiltedPaw small ginger tabby she-cat with grey stripe yellow/brown eyes
:FallPaw flame coloured ginger Tom with dapples of brown Bright blue eyes
:QuailFeather bright white she-cat pale blue eyes (Expecting ToneRock's kits)
:SpiderWeb unusual dappled grey stripped she-cat Amber eyes  (GreatKit, BlankKit and EchoKit)
:GreatKit brave grey Tom-kit with Amber/yellow eyes
:BlankKit small tabby she-kit strange white eyes
:EchoKit  black and white small she-kit  Amber eyes
.:Many were lost In the great  battle and did not survive for too long.. :.
:SalmonStar flame tabby stripes with grey underbelly she-cat brown/blue eyes (WavePaw) (Life's:6)
:WhaleHeart  blue/grey Tom white underbelly green eyes
:KelpFoot bright energetic Tom with brown fur blue eyes ""He was tangled in kelp and almost drowned during his apprentice years""
:WishSun pretty tabby she-cat green/blue eyes
:HorizonSplash small black curious Tom bright light blue eyes
:LakeStone pale blue/grey fur with grey tabby stripes brown eyes
:SealTail small grey Tom white ears and paws and underbelly yellow eyes
:WavePaw small she-cat Amber eyes white fur and black paws (SalmonStar) ""Survived the Great Battle and feared it ever sense thinking it might happened again""
.:The Great Battle killed the most of warriors and apprentices all elders and killed the last deputy and leader:.
:OilWail black she-cat with Amber eyes (TideKit,RiverKit,OtterKit and OceanKit)
:DarkDeep dark black tabby she-cat blind (Troutkit,FinKit, DolphinKit ,FishKit,SquidKit and FoamKit)
""Suffers badly from the Great War because of her wounds also suffering raising the kits and may not live""
:TideKit small pretty she-kit Amber eyes
:RiverKit dappled grey she-kit pale Amber eyes
:OtterKit brave brown Tom-kit brown eyes
:OceanKit tabby she-kit blue eyes
:TroutKit small grey brown Tom-kit with small white spots brown eyes
:FinKit curious scaredy black Tom-kit with long grey stripe 
:DolphinKit grey she-kit with Amber eyes blue/grey eyes
:FishKit muscular brown tom-kit white paws pale brown/blue eyes
:SquidKit small fierce tabby Tom-kit brown eyes
:FoamKit quick small Tom-kit with flame coloured paws and brown fur
.:Was totally wiped out during the great battle the only remaining cat is DuskStar who became a rouge and changed everything:.

Cats OutSide the clans
Many in the beginning are:
The kits in the beginning were Strawberry, Rose and Flower

.:Warrior Cats Book 1:. CliffHeart's  BloodShedWhere stories live. Discover now