What matters most?

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             Can you still remember that time when you were still a kid? That time when everything seems so easy and all you wanted to do was to have fun, not caring what other people would say or think about you? That time when you would choose to skip naps just to play with your friends, even if your mother or guardian would get mad at you? Can you still recall those good old days? Can you still remember who you were before the world told you who you should be?

          Then the day comes when you realize you are not a kid anymore. Perhaps it was the time when you started to perceive life in a different way. When you realize that life is not just about having fun or enjoying yourself because there are actually a lot of things that you need to consider in life—it is rather complicated. You do not just get bruises or scars physically because as you grow older, the level of your pain could not be healed with just medicine, chocolates, or any kind of sweets.

          You even started to care about what other people would say. You have your own insecurities, doubts, and fears. You are on your own. You become independent, a time when your innocence disappears. A time when your carelessness is no longer seen as youthful and charming but as pathetic and unduly childish. I can still remember when I said: "Grown-ups are weird." But now that I am a grown-up, I actually understand why. It is indeed true that we cannot understand something until it happens to us but you know what? In life there are always people who will try to tell you, you cannot make it, people who will criticize you, belittle you, even judge you by the caliber of your communication skills, those people who will try to drag you down, but let me tell you that it does not matter because just like Taylor Swift said: "You are not the opinion of someone who does not know you." What matters most is how you see yourself. If you only know how powerful your mind is, your thoughts, and if you can control it and believe in yourself, nothing is impossible. Instead, you would start to think I am possible.

              To the person reading this, I would like to remind you that even though you are in the pursuit of your career do not forget to be happy. Do not forget to realize the real essence of life. Because, as we grow older we often forget a lot of things, we forget our parents are getting older too, that there are people who care about us who need our time too and we are human beings and should enjoy our lives too. Do not get so caught up making a living that you forget to make a life.

              Yes, your childhood is gone, but that does not mean you cannot have fun as an adult. Everything just actually depends on us; we can be successful and happy at the same time. Yes, there are failures but keep in mind that failure is just another step to success and it's okay for things to suck sometimes. I know we all have different ideas about success, we measure ourselves by different metrics, some are happy with fame and money others are happy when they feel loved and important. After all or at the end of the day what really matters is, if you are okay or happy. And you know yourself; you know what really makes you happy. So just like a kid, do not be afraid to get hurt and take a risk. Stop thinking about what other people would think about you. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to live a life you are excited about. Do not let others make you forget that. And to end this, I would like to leave a quotation from Mr. Keating, a professor in the movie Dead Poets Society who said "Medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for." 

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