Chapter 2- No Friends

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Adrien's POV
About 5 minutes later, I see Nino Alya and Marinette walk in and sit down. Not even a hello or anything, guess they could tell my mood. ...I just have to act like normal I can't tell my home problems to my friends. I sigh and smile at Nino, who is at the moment looking at the teacher.
"Uh. Hey dude!" I say to him. It's like I was invisible he didn't even flinch. What the hell? I repeat a 'hello' again, a bit louder this time. Still, no response.
...Did I do something? Or has Nino been listening to his music too loud? A bit agitated, I decided to turn around and greet the girls instead.
"Morning Marinette, Alya."
Again, Alya didn't even show a hint of response, but Marinette saddened at me and looked forward again.
I must have done something wrong.
"Look if I've done something wrong tell me! Don't just ignore me!" I shout really annoyed at this point.
"Adrien! Please sit down and be quiet this is a lesson!" The teacher yelled.
"That I clearly shouldn't be in." I said, picking up my bag and storming out the room.
"Adrien!? Adrien Agreste come back!" I heard the muffled voice of my teacher.

Marinette's POV
"That I clearly shouldn't be in." Adrien said, leaving the room.
I begin to feel incredibly guilty and mean. This wasn't right.
"Guys maybe we should just spe-"
"Marinette! Stop being so nice! There is no way we're talking to a guy that can't even respect us on social media." Alya interrupts.
"Yea, dude. If he thinks we're bad friends then let's be bad friends" Nino agrees.
"How do we know that is defiantly Adrien? I mean, his dad forbids him to be on social media right?" I defend.
"Maybe the old man finally let him have a life, or he did it behind his back, it sure sounded like him"
"Until he said those mean things..." I mumble. "I'm going to the library."
I get up and walk to the library, and begin studying. Well, pretending to. I'm more thinking about what happened this weekend. It was really unlike Adrien. I sigh, and begin to draw in my sketchbook.

Adrien's POV
I sulk on a table in the library, with Plagg trying to comfort me. Obviously to no avail.
"Come on Adrien, are you sure you didn't do anything?" He asks.
"Yes Plagg, in positive. I didn't even see them this weekend!"
"Well you must've done something."
I sigh and then hear scribbling from on the other side of the bookshelf. Curious, I get up and look over, and see Marinette. 'I'm going to talk to her and see what's going on' I thought, and walked over to her.
"Marinette" I say monotonously.
She looks up at me, and then looks down at her work.
"What the hell have I done? Why are you all ignoring me?"
She doesn't respond, but I see her face turns to a guilty expression.
"Do you just not want to be friends cuz I'm a model? Is that it?" I spit out. Again she says nothing.
"Leave her alone Agreste. You sick liar." I turn to see Alya looking really annoyed.
"You know what you did, and what you said about Marinette was the worst. I don't know why she feels bad about ignoring you."
"Yea dude, uncool."
"I don't know what you're talking about I didn't do anything! What do you mean by Marinettes is the worst"
"Guys stop... please... what if he's telling the truth"
"Mari it's all over the internet what he said about you!"
"WHAT DID I SAY!?!? Forget it, I'm clearly not  going to get any answer." I hold back my tears and leave for home.
"Adrien wait!" I ignore Marinette and continue walking.
When I get there, fa- Mr Agreste is waiting for me.
"Hey adr-"
"Gabriel." I say with no expression, and continue to my room, throwing my bag on my bed.
"OW" I heard Plagg say. "Look kid I know you're having a rough time but don't take it out on me."
"Sorry...Plagg." I begin to cry into my hands.
I then hear a knock on my window, and I ignore it. I then hear my window slide open, so I look up, tears staining my face, and see Ladybug there.
"H-hey Adrien are you-"
"Do I look okay?"
"No I am.. I shouldn't be snapping at you..."
"Anyway, I just wanted to ask you a question Adrien, and check up on you."
"Do you... do you have any social media? Any whatsoever?"
I stare at her blank faced. Surely she knows that I don't right? My father won't allow it, he doesn't trust me.
"No, my father doesn't trust me enough. Why?"
"Just as I thought." She said, "Well, please cheer up. You're never alone okay?"
She smiles at me, and gives me a hug and leaves.
Yea... yea right. My friends hate me, my fathers a selfish jerk. Yea I'm so popular aren't I? I sigh and sit on my bed, looking at the photo of my friends. I begin to sob quietly again.

Plagg's POV
Poor kid... he doesn't deserve any of this. I hear a flapping sound coming from my right, so I turn to face the window. Shit. An akuma.
"Shoo, shoooo!" I whisper at it. It just flys around me and phases into adrien's picture. Crapppp... I guess it's good it didn't phase into his ring. I can't let hawkmoth see me though. I better find ladybug. Sorry Adrien. But you need help. I fly out of the window in a hurry.

Adrien's POV
"But... making others suffer isn't fair.." I say.
"Ugh, listen my boy. Do they care about you? No. Don't you think you should make them feel what you do?"
"Eh good enough."
Everything then goes dark and turns cold... so.. so cold..

Marinette's POV
"See Tikki, someone's impostering him. Poor Adrien." I sigh as she floats near me.
"I guess so Mari-"
"TIKKKKKIIIIIII" A voice screams and flies through the window. I scream.
"Excusssssee me, I am Chat noirs kwami thank you" he says, offended.
"Plagg? Why aren't you with chat?" Tikki questions.
"Tikki, he'd been akumatised."
"WHAT!? Chats akumatised!? We gotta help him tikki!"
"But wa-"
I hear a knock on my rooftop door, so I tell the kwamis to hide as I head to my balcony. I then see a tall boy, blonde hair, the typical hawkmoth akumatised shape mask in black, a purple suit with purple cat ears too, and a baton, with a broken heart shape on top.
"Ch-chat? Is that you?" I question, fear in my voice.
"Wrong my princess." He smiles and leans closer.
I back away. "Adri-Adrien then..?" I ask.
"Nope." His smile widens.
"W-who are y-you?"


"Broken Soul"

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