Fuck your sytsem

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The school systems today are not okay and are  not fair. They don't understand that each kid has a different way of learning and a different way of processing information. Instead of making them feel like a failure because of a letter they get on a test, how about we work with them and try to understand THIER way of learning. Just because one way of learning works for Justin, doesn't mean it'll work for Ben. They need to figure out a different method because this generation is our future.

They also need to let kids explore more than what is taught in schools, let them be open minded and question things. Most stuff taught in schools today are outdated and stuff our great grandparents learned. Although the history of America or any country is important to know about, so is the current and the now. Let's stand up and start showing them that it can be done if it is approached properly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2017 ⏰

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