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Who would you bring back from the dead?

Severus Snape- Lily
Albus Dumbledore- Minerva
Fred Weasley- Ginny
Dobby- Luna
Lily Potter- Hermione
James Potter- Nymphadora
Remus Lupin- Helena
Nymphadora Tonks- Daphne
Sirius Black- Narcissa
Lavender Brown- Pavati
Bellatrix Lestrange- Alicia
Cedric Diggory- Cho
Other- Lavender

Favourite Sport (Muggle)-

Soccer/Football- Malfoy
Basketball- Weasley
Netball- Lovegood
Tennis- Tonks
Newcomball- Granger
Tee Ball- Longbottom
Cricket- Potter
Swimming- Diggory
Other- Spinnet

I would want to bring back so many people, i cant choose soooo....
Ginny, Lily, Luna, Hermione, Helena, Daphne, Narcissa, Cho Malfoy, Granger or Diggory. Wow that was long. Anyway- what did you get?

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