Chapter 10: Just Talking

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He was so furious as he kept on shaking me, repeating the same sentence over and over and over again. 'Where have you been, where have you been?' His eyes were black, his voice deep and yelling causing everyone to give me their full attention. I didn't like it. I hated it. I wanted him off me. Yet, I didn't say anything.

For the pass few days, a week, perhaps less. I wasn't sure of the days. I've been staying at Rosie's place, I know, why go there of all places when she's Chris's girlfriend but it's the last place anyone would think of me going there. She knew Chris was a hunter, she found out last year and it nearly caused her to want to reject him. Oh, I should mention that she's a wolf. It's as if everyone in this dam town is a wolf!
Apparently, if a wolf or any other creature rejects a hunter then the hunter kills them, cuts out their hearts. Rosie told me how she had to trust him not to go hunter on her, to love him all over again and it's been hard but the best thing. She told me that I'll have to see where I fit in with the hunters and wolves. As love ones might not be as happy.

I do wander what she meant by that but still, I couldn't go back home or to school. I didn't want to see my brother or Ryder. I felt scared almost.

"Anna," Ryder growls.
I looked back at him, still in the classroom and not at Rosie's anymore. I had to go home last night, I've been avoiding Chris, what am I supposed to say to him now? It's different now, everything is different. I looked at Ryder, I couldn't tell him that my family has hunter blood.
I want this dream to end, to wake me up when I was fourteen from before everything came trembling down and my worse fears came slithered all over my brain.
Then I smiled, "I'm ok, Ry, I just stayed over at a friend's place."
He frowns, then he speaks low and chilling, "Don't lie to me. You're not ok."
The moment those words hit me, tears came pooling out my eyes streaming down my cheeks and I couldn't stop them. I don't know why but the more I wiped them away, the more they wouldn't stop.
"Anna," he breathes.
I let out a light squeak feeling his arms wrapping around me letting me snuggle into his warmth as I instantly felt safe. I whispered to him, "I just want it all to stop."
I felt him pick me up, walk out of the silence and into the corridor, he then turns briskly walking out into the breeze then places me down.
"I can't afford to miss school but first lesson I can," he smirked.
By this time, my eyes were dried but red and probably puffed. I had my hands held up half way up my face in fists, my eyes glances away not wanting to see his concerned expression. I smelt the burning ashes of a cigarette being lit up and the smoke fading out into the misty air.
"I've been overly worried about you, you have no idea what that does to a wolf," he said looking across at nothing.
"I'm not a wolf," I whispered.
"I know, but anything could have happen to you," he said blowing out another smoke.
"Don't you see Ryder, I'm not a wolf like you, you should mate with your own kind or with that twin sister, or with any woman that you can be with," I said.
He flickers the fag onto the ground, it began to lightly rain, soon it covers the earth and we run under some shelter behind the science block. It came down heavily now, you could hear the thunder striking down from heavens as before. 

I spoke again, "My brother, Chris. He's a hunter."
I waited for him to say something but he doesn't, when I glance up at him, he's staring at the sky. He says nothing, just keeps on staring as if some miracle might happen so I watch the sky with him in silence.
The bell had rang loudly, first lesson was soon beginning. I won't have to care about being on time anymore, or studying towards my grades. No colleges or dreams for me no more.
He finally spoke, "I can live with that."
I turned to him, "But aren't your kind and hunters enemies?"
He strokes his jaw, still looking up at the rain pouring, "My father and the leader of the hunters had set up an arrangement before I was even born, that the strongest bloodline Knight would marry the first daughter of the hunter leader. My brother Alec, he's there now, probably making a fool of himself," he pauses shaking his wet hair and chuckling, "I can deal with your brother, or any other man, woman in your life being a hunter but what I can't deal with, is losing you."

I glanced down then lightly squeaked feeling his rough lips peak mine. He pulls away, "I like you, a lot and I want us to give it ago, you might end up falling for me."
I let out a small laugh causing those golden green eyes to sparkle. I asked him, "Would you still like me, a lot, if I was dying?"
He looks at me blank when I said that. His eyes grew angry, he rubs his face, "Are you messing with me?"
"It's a simply question," I pointed out.
"Fucking hell!" He breathes.
"Would you?" I wanted to know what he'd say.
He takes a steady breath then grabs my hand, "Anna, don't bullshit with me, why the hell would you even ask something like that?"
I guess now, I couldn't lie to him, we've set almost everything on the table. I still had a lot to learn about his life, and I had to learn about my own family's life. I want everything to be lifted off my shoulders but it's so hard. It took me almost six months to tell Marcus and Jenny the first time I found out about cancer. I still haven't told him about the new results. I'm terrified.

"I'm slowly dying inside, from cancer," I whispered it out but knew he heard as one moment he was standing here holding my hand in his warmth strong hand and the next, he was gone.

Cancer Love (Editing, writing how it used to be)Where stories live. Discover now